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This looks like it's kinda-sorta in the kind of story space that Till The End of the Moon is working with, and word on the street, is that this one will be released after Till The End of the Moon ends its run.

Show's synopsis, as per MDL, reads:

"After a lover's betrayal, the ancient dragon Tian Yao found himself badly wounded and heartbroken. The woman he loved betrayed him by stripping him of his dragon bones then sealing them in four directions. Only by luck did his soul escape. Now reborn, he encounters Yan Hui, who vows to protect him as he retrieves his missing bones.  

Discovering a seal within a lake, Tian Yao sees his opportunity. After meeting Yan Hui, Tian Yao became hopeful, knowing she possessed a dragon that could break that seal. Tian Yao uses Yan Hui to retrieve his stolen body parts. Yan Hui then plans her escape only to fail.   

Surprisingly, she finds their relationship deepening over time. Tian Yao admires Yan Hui's repeated efforts to save him, while Yan Hui appreciates the strong bond they have created. Mysteries will abound as Yan Hui come to learn of her true origin.  "

Show stars Neo Hou, Zhou Ye, Yang Rong, Riley Wang and Chen Xin Yu.

This one's 40 eps, and is rumored to have a release date of 10th May, on Youku.

KFG ❤️


MULTISUB【护心 Back From The Brink】预告:侯明昊周也演绎命定之爱!千年灵龙与捉妖少女互相救赎❤️ | 侯明昊/周也 | 奇幻爱情片 | 优酷 YOUKU

Click to download YOUKU International APP, your favorite show is on: https://qr.youku.com/pr?c=xaYZpfrZB0kv Shop officially licensed merch of your favorite YOUKU programs: https://bit.ly/ImmortalSamsaraMerch 【护心 Back From The Brink】改编自九鹭非香的同名小说,二十年前,天曜被心爱之人广寒门门主素影抽筋剥骨,并以五行之力封印于四方。机缘巧合之中,天曜灵魂于十年前逃出封印,他感知一山村湖水中封印着他的龙骨,便附上一夭折男童之身,伺机取回龙骨。雁回的出现,让天曜看见了希望。原本她心中因带有他的护心麟而心怀龙血,能助他破开封印。于是天曜开始利用雁回,让她帮他寻回身体的其他部分。雁回意图逃离天曜,但两人不仅没能分开,关系反而越来越紧密,天曜被雁回数次拼死相救的义气所感动,雁回也在不断被牵扯出的事件当中发现天曜与自己斩不断的关系。自己心口护心鳞的来历,师父凌霄与素影的关系,扑朔迷离的谜团接踵而来…… ★主演:侯明昊/周也 ★集数:40集 ▶精彩预告+花絮+OST戳这:https://bit.ly/3sIAbbU #优酷 #YOUKU #护心 #BackFromTheBrink 关注优酷频道,更多精彩节目等你来盘! YOUTUBE YOUKU: https://bit.ly/youkuofficial YOUTUBE YOUKU SHOW: http://bit.ly/youkushow YOUTUBE YOUKU MOVIE: http://bit.ly/youkumovie YOUTUBE YOUKU ANIMATION: https://bit.ly/youkuanimation YOUTUBE YOUKU DOCUMENTARY: https://bit.ly/youkudocumentary YOUTUBE YOUKU KIDS: https://bit.ly/youkukids YOUTUBE YOUKU English: http://bit.ly/youku_EN YOUTUBE YOUKU Thailand: http://bit.ly/youku_TH YOUTUBE YOUKU Indonesia: http://bit.ly/youku_ID YOUTUBE YOUKU Arabic: http://bit.ly/youku_ARAB YOUTUBE YOUKU Español: http://bit.ly/youku_ESP YOUTUBE YOUKU Portuguese: http://bit.ly/youku_PT YOUTUBE YOUKU Vietnam: http://bit.ly/youku_VN YOUTUBE Phim Lẻ YOUKU: http://bit.ly/youku_phimle YOUTUBE YOUKU Vienam Shorts: http://bit.ly/youku_VNshorts YOUTUBE YOUKU ROMANCE: http://bit.ly/youkuromance YOUTUBE YOUKU SUSPENSE: http://bit.ly/youkususpense YOUTUBE 优酷华语剧场: http://bit.ly/youkuhuayu 关注优酷海外媒体账号获取更多最新资讯! FACEBOOK YOUKU: https://bit.ly/youkufb INSTAGRAM YOUKU: http://bit.ly/youkuins TWITTER YOUKU: http://bit.ly/youkutwt TIKTOK YOUKU: http://bit.ly/youkutiktok 更多精彩剧集,等你来追! ©《步步为陷》:https://bit.ly/3JU7Skb ©《武林有侠气》:https://bit.ly/3HuHKth ©《少年歌行》:https://bit.ly/3FTrQIf ©《打开生活的正确方式》:http://bit.ly/3GOzlkb ©《玫瑰骑士》:https://bit.ly/3WAfSdD ©《星河长明》:http://bit.ly/3XW8J8P ©《点燃我,温暖你》:https://bit.ly/3h6Bui6 ©《不期而至》:https://bit.ly/3DnwoFz ©《千金丫环》:https://bit.ly/3RsQN1E ©《沉香如屑》:https://bit.ly/3aY5RnX ©《幸福到万家》:https://bit.ly/3bASIkY ©《良辰好景知几何》:https://bit.ly/3vtjB1H ©《你微笑时很美》:https://bit.ly/3gJ32r5 ©《山河令》:http://bit.ly/3bLfzqr 更多精彩综艺,等你来追! 《厉害了!舞社》:https://bit.ly/36woXQ4 《了不起!舞社》:https://bit.ly/3vkGmDz 《一刻综》:https://bit.ly/3usXesB 《没谈过恋爱的我》:https://bit.ly/3pmD94q 《新民乐国风夜》:https://bit.ly/3AtzNks 《飘雪的日子来看你》:https://bit.ly/33eu2KZ 《偶像就该酱婶 第一季》:https://bit.ly/3Gl5sqn 《麻花特开心》:https://bit.ly/34h3Nnn 《青春守艺人》:https://bit.ly/32gZlo7 《单立人原创喜剧大赛 2021夏》:https://bit.ly/3oZw4GX 《了不起的打工人》:https://bit.ly/3G6iBTz 《冬梦之约 第二季》https://bit.ly/3I2hwhu 《追光吧!》:https://bit.ly/3078Vsm 《中国潮音》:https://bit.ly/3q49Mot 《所有女生的offer》:http://bit.do/fSpiQ 《上车吧!冠军》:https://bit.ly/3CzHhT6 《我们恋爱吧3》:https://bit.ly/2WgDWbJ 《一起火锅吧 第二季》:https://bit.ly/3kjA5Cu 《这!就是灌篮 第四季》:https://bit.ly/3z1LOfl 《这!就是街舞 第四季》:https://bit.ly/3snA9F1 《“拳”力以赴的我们》:https://bit.ly/3ggJvO3 《念念青春》:https://bit.ly/3BOkbs2 《师父!我要跳舞了2》:https://bit.ly/3xMIaoU 《草莓星球来的人》:https://bit.ly/3i8Gq2L 《降落草莓星》:https://bit.ly/2Vhndof 《这!就是潮流》:https://bit.ly/3k4oGYO 《德云社》:https://bit.ly/3c26ASB 更多精彩文化纪实节目,等你来追! ©《江湖菜馆 第二季》:https://bit.ly/3jh4pyC ©《我的时代和我 第二季》:https://bit.ly/3zJmZp3 ©《奇妙的蛋生》:https://bit.ly/3nxvwpF ©《隐秘的细节》:https://bit.ly/3buvIAU ©《有面有朋友》:https://bit.ly/3uMnoni ©《锵锵行天下 第二季》:http://bit.ly/3qURjZj ©《一桌年夜饭 第二季》:http://bit.ly/36mwOfQ ©《探世界 第二季》:http://bit.ly/2KmWa5q ©《奇妙之城》:http://bit.ly/3hIszQa ©《局部 全三季》:http://bit.ly/3uAL4fm ©《圆桌派 全四季》:https://bit.ly/3lo7n20 ©《对白 全四季》:https://bit.ly/2Jy9ray ©《对白 第四季》:https://bit.ly/35lor3Q ©《街舞中国》:https://bit.ly/2I1vci2 ©《观复嘟嘟2020》:https://bit.ly/3n8QuJK ©《探世界》:https://bit.ly/3nDjOZl ©《晓说》:https://bit.ly/3pMuqae ©《观复嘟嘟 第一季》:http://bit.ly/3uyhPtk ©《这!就是舞者 第三季》:http://bit.ly/2YceS2Z



I am already watching Till the end of the moon and I doubt I would like to go on with that, I think I have had my share of blood spitting for the next 2 years!


hahahaha I hear you. 🤣 Someone on that production LOVES to have characters cough up blood. I find it odd but hilarious. Definitely overused 🤭


Well, I'm a total sucker for these sort of tortured antihero stories so, YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! And EEEEEEEEEEEEE I am still slowly lapping up Till the End of the Moon (because Viki forces me not to devour when I really want to...) Are you watching it, @kfangurl? It is very close in my highest of high regards as Love Like the Galaxy 😍 I hope you're loving it as much. It's totally epic! I wonder if this show can possibly exceed it. It will very much depend for me on chemistry of two leads. Not much to go on from this trailer, but I for one enjoyed the angsty drama it's promising. And @Natalia @CanICallYouKate whatdya mean the blood spit is overused?! 😄


At this point, Ele, (I am at ep.30), it literally takes a poke on the chest for Tantai Jin to spit blood! 😁😁