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Hi everyone,

Here's your spoiler-free zone for February, where you can exchange suggestions, tips, and other spoiler-free thoughts about dramas that aren't being covered here on Patreon!

You can chat about whatever you'd like here, basically, as long as you don't talk about spoilers! 😉

For deep dive discussions that include spoilers, you can go here!

I hope you guys enjoy.

KFG ❤️



If you haven't see "Be Melodramatic," it's now available on Netflix here in the US. (Interestingly, it's still streaming on Viki, under its alt-name "Melo Is My Nature." This is a wonderfully amusing ensemble A+ show that has the added benefit of being mostly about the people who make K-dramas. I learned a lot about product placement, for example, from this show. I knew about PPL, of course, but didn’t realize broadcast stations only finance 50% of a show’s production costs and that independent production companies need to raise the balance of the budget via PPL. One of the FLs works as a PPL marketing manager, so they show her side of that challenge, literally begging writers, directors and actors to play nice with each humiliating farce of PPL. They present PPL as a fact of life they have to endure, even while mocking themselves for doing so. Quirky humor, so I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but Megan and I loved it. As did KFG who gave it an A- in her review here: https://thefangirlverdict.com/2019/11/23/review-be-melodramatic-melo-suits-me/


I liked it quite a bit, although Jennifer hated it and I think rage quit somewhere in the middle 😳 (or maybe rage quit is too strong? Jennifer?)


Be Melo was a top 1 show for me so I loved it to the absolute max! My Mister is the only other comparable show in terms of how much I love the writing/characters


@Kun - Everyone spoke so highly of this Show, I was excited for this one and I remember the moment of derailment for me. Spoilers - Be Melo ________________________________________________ The one male writer when one of the FL tripped in the office and he didnt catch her? I think I am remembering that right. That was the start of it. I loved our three FLs and their bond together and was happier when they were all in the apartment together. When they all showed up to sleep over for the FL. GAH! That was beautiful and just what your good friends do for you.