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Hi everyone,

Here's your spoiler-free zone for October, where you can exchange suggestions, tips, and other spoiler-free thoughts about dramas that aren't being covered here on Patreon!

You can chat about whatever you'd like here, basically, as long as you don't talk about spoilers! 😉

For deep dive discussions that include spoilers, you can go here!

I hope you guys enjoy.

KFG ❤️



Not a drama, but I am at the end of reading the English translation of “I Want to Die But I Also Want to Eat Teokbokki”. It’s a first-person account of a young (late twenties?) career woman in South Korea who realises she has depression. Although it is on the mild end of the scale (hence still having appetite for teokbokki!) her condition is sucking the joy out of her life. She recorded her sessions with her psychiatrist (with the psychiatrist’s permission) and wrote a book about the sessions. She is painfully honest and relatable, but the book definitely has a hopeful tone. She is also self-deprecatingly funny at times so I think it is not a depressing read overall. I can really relate as I have anxiety and struggle with discouragement too at times. In fact I wonder whether people who detest the main characters in My Liberation Notes are those who just “have it together” in life, i.e. optimistic, go-getters, organised and hopeful. Whereas I (and other viewers) strongly empathised with the MLN main characters who were feeling stuck and hopeless in life, even though they weren’t actually at the bottom. Hmm! Anyway, thought this book was a really interesting read, both from the mental health standpoint, and as a bit of behind-the-scenes look at a real person living in Korea, when I’ve been consuming so many made-up stories of single ladies in their twenties or thirties living the rom com life in Korea.


Today's news from Seoul is completely heartbreaking. Prayers and condolences to our friends in Korea who might have been impacted by this.