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E4. Show continues to be as adorable as ever, and I must say, I am melting quickly in the face of Babi's sweetness.

Apparently, the webtoon story has more than 2 boyfriends in store for Yumi, ie, Babi isn't endgame.

BUT, since we don't know if the drama has more seasons planned, and since Babi's so lovely already, I'm holding onto the (possibly delusional) belief that Season 2 is all we're getting, and Babi will be endgame, in this telling of Yumi's story. 😅

I am quite thrilled with the idea that Babi's cell town isn't run by algorithms at all.

Woong's algorithms had felt very illuminating, in that, it had helped me see how the male psyche works, but Babi's cell town reminds me that not all men are built like Woong. I like that.

Plus, now that I think about it, Love cell's visit to Woong's cell town had been so furtive, and that's when she'd discovered his buried secret, that he didn't want to get married.

In comparison, Babi's cell town welcoming Love cell with open arms and a big ol' party, seems so refreshing and different.

Babi's heart is very much open, where Woong's heart had had parts closed off. I think this is one of the reasons I find myself rooting for Babi so hard, now.

I have to tell ya, I was in literal stitches, watching Yumi's Tongue cell get acquainted with Babi's Tongue cell. Tee hee hee! What a great way to break down the entire act of French kissing.

All of the nuances of the scene are spot-on, and crack me up.

Because, of course it's Babi's Tongue cell that comes visiting first, knocking on the door of Yumi's Tongue cell first. And of course, she's the one who's much more forward and sassy, while he's the one who comes across as a little startled and flustered.

It's so cute how she's so, so, sooo happy to meet him (ha, Babi's been longing to kiss Yumi!), and it's so pitch perfect, that he'd show her around his house, so that we have the visual of Babi's tongue exploring Yumi's mouth. 😁

And how sweet-cute-funny, is the way the two tongue cells listen to music, and dance together, before she invites him over to her house, ie, Babi's mouth.

What is most hilarious to me, though, is how she turns to look at him at the door, and teases, with a raised eyebrow, "You seemed so awkward before, but you're actually pretty good at this."

Ahahaha! That is so awkwardly on-point, because I can totally imagine Yumi being hesitant to show that she's actually perfectly experienced, at the French kissing. 😁

My goodness. I know I keep saying this, but I just LOVE how well conceptualized this show is, down to the little details! 🤩

I also love the hesitant awkwardness and the shy smiles between Babi and Yumi, in the wake of their first kiss.

It feels so pitch perfect, down to the way Babi's voice wavers slightly, and even breaks a little bit, as he asks Yumi if they should get out of the car. Really nice work there by  Jinyoung, I say.

It's a relatively small beat, but I love how true-to-life it is, that just one earnest remark from Babi, that Yumi looks pretty with long hair, is enough to give Yumi the motivation to grow out her hair, and as quickly as possible.

I can very much relate, heh. 😁

I'd originally thought that Naughty cell's theory, that Hair cell would grow hair faster, if she reads some naughty literature, was quite a nonsensical thing, but then I turned to Google, and it turns out that it's not complete nonsense after all.

According to this article, there is a link between sex hormones and hair growth after all. Huh. I didn't know that. The things you learn from this show! 😅

And, this does work to plant the idea in our minds, that Yumi's mind is being led down some naughty-sexy places, which is useful for the following arc, with the power going out in her apartment, leading to Babi insisting that she sleep over at his place. Ooh.

That went from zero to heart-thumping really really fast! 😁

All the little comic beats around Yumi feeling and acting awkward in Babi's apartment, is quite funny and entertaining, with one of my favorite cringey-funny bits bring Yumi thinking that Babi gave her only his pajama top to wear, and comes out of the bathroom pants-less. Whoops.

Babi's nervous-awkward-I-don't-know-where-to-look reaction is pitch perfect, and I can't help groaning and giggling, at the same time. 😅

I do have to give props to Show for consistency. In Season 1, Show demonstrated that it's, 1, very much for the shirtless male lead shower scene, and 2, unabashed in using the idol body, when it's available.

I mean, even Minho, who appeared as special character Wugi in Season 1, had not just one, but two shirtless scenes.

So I'm not at all surprised that Babi gets a shower scene, since he's our male lead, AND he's played by legit idol Jinyoung, who is, indeed, in possession of an idol bod.

My eyes, they did not complain. 😁

I'm glad though, that the evening doesn't go the way Naughty cell would've preferred, and instead, works out to be something a lot more sweet and cozy, with Yumi falling asleep on the couch while Babi's in the shower, and Babi coming out to tuck Yumi in for the night.

What makes it even better, is Yumi's contented voiceover, that this was the most romantic night, because she felt like she was receiving love.

Aww. That's so lovely, isn't it? This totally makes me root for this loveline even more, because if Yumi feels loved, that's the most important thing.

I am soo tickled by the activities in both cell towns the next morning, as Yumi wakes up and the cells decide that it's time for her to launch an attack on Babi, with a sweet good morning greeting.

How fun, to see the pink smoke explosions going off in Babi's cell town, with his love cell announcing to the rest of the cells, that they need to wake up, because Babi's heart has been stolen, and they need to show something in return. Tee hee! Cute!

And how perfect, that Babi's offer to set up breakfast, sets off a similar pink explosion in Yumi's cell town, with Hunger cell being the one to be blown away. Ahaha. I LOVE THIS.

AND THEN. Babi apologizes that he'd taken too long to shower, and that he'll shower faster, next time. AHEM. That sends Naughty cell over the moon, in another pink explosion, and I'm cackling like a loon. 🤣

These two are so adorable, as they keep on setting off these pink explosions of love in each other's cell towns. I could watch them do this all day. 😍

And, I gotta say, Babi's keeping so many of Yumi's cells happy - Hunger cell, Naughty cell, and even Love cell - that I totally understand why Yumi says that she feels like she's receiving love. 🥰

Given that Babi had been the one to encourage Yumi to write, in Season 1, it's not surprising that he'd also be the one to point her back towards her writing dreams, this season.

His personal stories, and his general encouraging response to her stories, all lead Yumi to seriously revisit her writing dreams, and the way she goes back home to look over her old stories for inspiration, feels so relatable.

The way she cringes affectionately at her early writing efforts is so universal, I feel like anyone would be able to relate. Don't we all have stuff like that? Early efforts at things that we'd thought were amazing, but which look clumsy, on hindsight?

I have to admit, I'm really surprised that Yumi ends up quitting her job in order to pursue her writing dreams before it's too late.

This seems very impetuous, for someone who's usually much more measured and who tends to plan ahead. She doesn't even have enough money saved up, to do this comfortably. And, it is a huge, life-changing sort of step.

I do appreciate how Babi is just as surprised as I am, but doesn't overstep any boundaries, in reacting to her decision.

Some (many?) boyfriends would be upset to find out about Yumi's resignation, along with everyone else.

Like, "Why didn't you tell me about it first? Did I have to hear about it along with everyone else? Am I not your boyfriend?" These are all things that real and reel boyfriends might have said, but Babi says none of these things.

Instead, even though he's surprised, he remains steady and supportive, and I really appreciate that about him.

And even though I'm still not sure that this was the best way to go about chasing her dream, I appreciate that scene of Yumi touching base with her younger self, and seeing that her younger self would have approved of this bold move.

Time moves fast in this drama world, and before we know it, Yumi's hair is longer, and it's almost Christmas. No time to get bored around these parts, eh?

The hoops Yumi jumps through, to redirect the Christmas plans back to Babi's suggestion, that they have dinner at his place, is quite amusing.

I'm glad that in the end, she does just come out and admit that it would be nice to have their Christmas dinner at his place, because that feels more honest.

Babi's quiet little squee to himself, as he can't stop himself from smiling, as Yumi steps away to the washroom, also quietly squeeing to herself, is the cutest thing.

Augh. These two. 😍 Watching them like this also makes me squee to myself, heh.

Things are going so swimmingly for them, and the fact that Yumi's tight on budget seems to cast only a small shadow, on things.

Which, of course, is why Show feels that this is the perfect time to re-introduce Woong into Yumi's life.

I honestly don't think that Woong knew that the person he was trying to buy that rice cooker off of, was Yumi, because he looks genuinely surprised to see her.

So, it looks like it's more of it being a legit coincidence, that they run into each other like this, at Christmas.

I'm really curious to see how Yumi reacts to this, because it honestly hasn't been that long since she and Woong broke up, and her relationship with Babi, while super cute, is still very young and new.

I'm kinda shocked to say this, because I'd been so very fond of Woong in Season 1, but now I find myself rooting for Yumi to stick with Babi, even though Woong seems to be back in the picture. 😅

Next episode notes will be out on: Friday, 1 July 2022!



Yup Yup Yup there is a reason I am on the Babi train and you explained it perfectly KFG!


Fangurl - your writing on this post was as cute as the episode. I am definitely on the BaBi bus.