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I haven't checked out the drama itself yet, but the drama itself is very much on my list, for the do-over premise, which I have a soft spot for. Plus, the drama trailer makes the show itself look very promising!

And now, it seems that there's going to be a movie too, with the same cast. Word on the street is that this will likely be a continuation of the drama, to tie up loose ends left by the drama, rather than a movie remake.

Well, that's good news for the drama's fans, that's for sure! 

Now if only I could actually bend time and space, to make time to watch this drama, on top of everything else I want to watch! 😅

KFG ❤️


"Shining for One Thing" Movie Version Is in the Works! - DramaPanda

Good news for fans of the web drama Shining for One Thing 一闪一闪亮星星 as it was just confirmed that the series will be getting its very own movie adaptation soon.



I finished this on Thursday and it was so beautiful. And poignant. Amazing acting by the leads. I've got my own views on 'the end' but I'd love to see a movie giving it a proper finish.


Beautiful and poignant sounds so much like my jam!!! Thanks for the endorsement of this one, Michelle!! I'm bumping it up my neverending list!


Jennifer and I are watching this over at Patreon Spoiler Zone and I am really enjoying it and both leads are adorable! Not sure I am ready for the ending if it is poignant 😭