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E2. There really doesn't seem to be any middle ground, with this show.

When K is around, everything feels like a wild ride fever dream that's pumped full of adrenaline and thisclose to spinning out of control. When K isn't around, everything feels staid to the point of almost feeling boring.

..Which means that a large chunk of this episode felt borderline boring to me. I suppose this is what happens when you step off the rollercoaster that is episode 1, and walk around on normal ground again. 😅

But I suppose that normal ground is necessary, to 1, give us a break from the screaming adrenaline, and 2, further situate us in our story.

What I find rather interesting about Soo Yeol this episode, is that he appears noticeably less sleazy than when we first met him. In fact, I feel like we're seeing more righteous streaks in him, after his encounter with K. Is this a possible pattern, that with each interaction with K, Soo Yeol embraces more of his righteous, hero side?

I mean, he even has to be reminded by his supervisor, that he's just not the kind of person to rescue anyone, if there's nothing in it for him. It's almost like he lost sight of himself for a long minute, I feel like.

It's not very exciting, but still rather gratifying, to see Soo Yeol doing the groundwork - which includes some grunt work - to investigate the case. We don't even see him feeling perplexed that he's spending all this time on the case (which I would have expected, given the introduction that we got of him, last episode).

Instead, he seems genuinely keen to solve the case, which is quite nice. And, he seems really quite sorry towards In Seon, even, which I hadn't quite been expecting either.

The more we see of Assemblyman Do and Do In Beom, the more horrible they come across. I'm fully convinced that they're the scum of the earth, and need justice served, cold. Assemblyman Do, in particular, comes across as more villain-like, with each fresh close-up that we get. The way his eyes sometimes look like they're about to pop out of his head, is typical comic-book villain stuff, isn't it?

I have to wonder if Assemblyman Do's on drugs, coz the way he behaves - particularly in the flashbacks where he's screaming at Jeong Yu Na, who's unconscious and bleeding from the head - is just too bizarre for anyone who's not on drugs.

I have to confess that I perked up quite a bit, when K shows up in that elevator with Soo Yeol, in the last third of the episode. It kinda feels like the episode's finally had its morning coffee, and is ready to conquer the world, y'know? 😅

Wi Ha Joon's doing a great job with the character of K, I have to say. He makes it look like he's having a genuinely good time leaning into his crazy side, and that's really quite a different vibe from the more serious side that we've tended to see from him, in his other roles.

The punchline feels a little slow in the coming, purely because we've already been told in Show's promos, that K is part of Soo Yeol, but I really do enjoy the execution of it.

The way we get all those re-enactments of key scenes, with Soo Yeol in K's place, is really pretty neat, and the way Lee Dong Wook manages to channel the same crazy energy that Wi Ha Joon puts into K, is very excellent. That was legit my top highlight of the episode.

Plus, that high kick, frozen in mid-air, panning from showing us K in the position, to showing us Soo Yeol actually delivering the kick, is *chef's kiss*

I feel like with this reveal, Show's finally done with its set-up, which makes me curious to see where Show chooses to mainly groove, going forward. I'd like it if K and Soo Yeol share more screen time, because that's when I instinctively find Show most interesting.

Gimme more of that adrenaline high - and more of Wi Ha Joon, HA. 🤩

Next episode notes will be out on: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2022!



Zero middle ground!