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E1. So here's the thing about Hospital Playlist 2. I'd been a little bit hesitant to start on this second season, because I'd loved Season 1 so much, that I was afraid that Season 2 wouldn't quite feel the same. Also, when I saw that this first episode was a whopping 1 hour 35 minutes long, I balked, and wondered why drama episodes were allowed to be this long.

But then.. I watched the episode. And guess what, y'all. I felt sorry to get to the end of that whopping 1 hour 35 minute episode, and wished that there was more. 🥲 The feels are familiar, warm, and welcome, and I am looking forward to having more episodes of this show to enjoy, monster length or no.

It's been a while since Season 1 wrapped, so many details were hazy in my mind, including character names and relationships. This first episode was a great refresher, and now, I feel like I'm pretty much fully back in the swing of things, and ready to do life with these characters, for another season.

This episode, I find my heart leaning towards Seok Hyeong as a favorite. I love how gentle he is, both with patients and with his juniors. Plus, there's that thing where he's consciously keeping a professional distance with Min Ha, even though it seems like he wouldn't mind being a little friendlier with her. It feels like he's denying himself any sort of hope, and I feel sad that he'd feel it's necessary to do that.

And then, layered on top of that, is the fact that his ex-wife seems so keen to spend time with him, all of a sudden, even beyond the factor of her father's hospitalization. Seok Hyeong, however, doesn't seem at all keen to revisit their relationship, or what remains of it, and I really feel for him, because he looks so uncomfortable and sad, as he works to do the right thing, by helping his ex-wife and her parents at the hospital. In that scene at the end of the episode, where his ex-wife asks to see him on a regular basis, he literally looks like he's holding back sad tears. I can't help thinking that it's probably better for him not to meet her regularly, if it's going to be such an emotional burden on him.

I feel for Min Ha, who's helpless in her crush on Seok Hyeong. Even though, for a while there, she was under the impression that Seok Hyeong might have a girlfriend, she can't seem to stop herself from being drawn to Seok Hyeong. She's like a moth being drawn to a flame; the rejections and the rumors are clearly breaking her heart, but still, she can't stop admiring him, not just as a doctor, but as a human being.

And, I can see why she's drawn to Seok Hyeong. This episode, the arc with the patient with PROM (premature rupture of membranes) really brings out the best in Seok Hyeong, as a doctor. While the first professor had looked at it from a purely clinical perspective, and based on the low chance of survival for the baby, basically been ready to abort the baby, Seok Hyeong looks at it from a much more human perspective, and decides that the best thing to do, is to try to help that mother and baby.

It's even more moving, when he admits to Min Ha, that he is afraid. There is a pretty high chance that the baby won't survive, and then the potential legal implications are there, ready to haunt him. And yet, he chooses to focus only on the fact that this mother and baby need him right now. It's profoundly moving, and I find myself feeling a deep sense of respect for Seok Hyeong. It's no wonder Min Ha can't help but like him.

As for Jeong Won and his relationship with Gyeo Wool, I'm glad to see that they're doing a good job of staying professional while at work. I personally find it really awkward to watch, when a couple thinks they're doing a good job staying professional, when all they're really doing, is making everyone else uncomfortable.

I love that they find time to have a date, in the midst of their busy schedules, and are able to talk about work, without having that get in the way of actual work. I appreciate that Jeong Won plans to tell the rest of the Fabulous Five about their relationship soon, and I like that he tells Gyeo Wool to think about who she'd like to tell as well. This feels nice and honest, and healthy.

I love Jeong Won's insight on why Jeon U's mother keeps visiting the hospital, even though it's been some time since Jeon U's passed away. That makes so much sense, that she'd want to visit the hospital, because this is where people know and remember Jeon U, and this is where everyone addresses her as "Jeon U's mom." I'm glad that Jeong Won encourages Gyeo Wool to give the lady some time and a listening ear, because when Gyeo Wool does invite her for coffee, it really feels like Gyeo Wool's given her something very precious, and very healing as well. I love that.

Jun Wan's long distance relationship with Ik Sun is sweet and lovey-dovey, but honestly, long-distance relationships rarely do well, particularly in dramas, so I'm bracing myself for some heartache along the way, for this pair of lovebirds. Plus, the package with the ring getting returned feels like a foreshadowing of sorts.

I'm sad for Ik Jun, because Song Hwa essentially turns him down, by giving his indirect question an indirect answer, that he shouldn't confess his feelings, because his "friend" would probably prefer to protect the friendship that they already have. Aw. The acute awareness of the both of them, of what's really going on, is so poignant. And, Ik Jun's expression, full of warmth, kindness and understanding, feels like the main thrust of his response to Song Hwa's rejection: "It's okay. I understand. Don't worry." Augh. It's heartbreaking. 💔

Of course, there's still lots of time for things to develop differently, since we're only at the beginning of the season. I do think Ik Jun and Song Hwa would make an adorable couple, though, so I'm hoping that that's where Show's going with this.

As always, it's a pleasure to see the Five doing their band thing together. It gives me as much of a thrill now, as it did in Season 1. I love seeing them make time to make music together, and I love that they each look so absorbed in the music that they are creating together. I'm impressed all over again, by the thought of how much extra time and effort this translates into, for our cast, and this makes me appreciate the inclusion of the band segment, all the more.

All in all, this was an excellent start to Season 2, and I'm looking forward to hanging out and doing life with these five friends, all over again. ❤️



I can't tell you how excited I am to start Season 2 of HP. I exerted quite a bit of discipline to hold off until the Patreon summaries began (thanks KFG for getting right on it after Move to Heaven!). So having neither watched ep. 1 nor read the summary yet... I know what I'll be doing tonight! 🥳


First things first, Fangurl: may I request a screenshot of Dear Professor Ahn in a towel in your final review? Gamsahabnida. 🙏🏼 😉 From choir boy to pin-up boy in one episode - nicely done Yoo Yeon Seok! 😅 What a fun return to the Fab 5. As far as romance goes, I agree with KFG that there are many episodes ahead, during which Song Hwa and Ik Jun can change course. So, while my heart broke for Ik Jun (how expressive is Jo Jung Suk’s face?) at Song Hwa’s sideways rejection, I avoided all out angst because, only Episode 1. On the other hand, I will disregard Fangurl’s premonition that Kim Jun Wan and Lee Ik Sun’s relationship will flounder, because of distance. Because, I want to. 😂 It’s hard to imagine other people who would be better partners for these two difficult-ish people. The sweet really comes out in both when they are together. On the other hand, I’ve heard, the course of true love never did run smooth… 

Finally, do people have a take on why Yang Seok Hyeong is so resolutely relationship averse? I can imagine a number of things - fear of failing again after a divorce, mom’s boy, deeply introverted, kind of immature, not interested in women? - but in those I can’t quite get to the nub of the matter. Thanks for your thoughts. Shout out to Jeon U's mom’s arc. 🥲 It was poignant and real - bringing the signature HP feels that bring me back for more. It was also fun to see Court Lady Choi in the 21st Century!


I started watching Season 2 last week, such a nourishing balm. I’m up to episode 7and then I remembered it’s being covered on kfangirl's Patreon! Yes watching this show is just like getting together with a bunch of old friends you haven’t seen in a while but it’s just so comforting and fun to be with them. Show really knows how to tug at the heartstrings too with a deft touch, sensitive and not too melodramatic. I tear up with sadness, moved and touched by the empathy shown by our wonderful team of the best doctors and nurses around!