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E2. Uff. You guys, I don't know if I could love Deok Chul any more than I do now, but I tell ya, Deok Chul has me by the heart, fully and unequivocally.

I just love how earnest and sincere Deok Chul is about wanting to learn ballet. Even though Chae Rok is completely prickly almost to the point of being hostile, Deok Chul never allows it to get him down. It's almost as if he can't hear Chae Rok's rants and complaints because the beauty of ballet is too strong and is filling his mind to the exclusion of everything else.

I am completely on board with the idea of Deok Chul being Chae Rok's manager in exchange for Chae Rok teaching him ballet. It gives Deok Chul a legitimate way of paying back Chae Rok for his time and effort in teaching him, while also providing a bona fide reason for the Deok Chul and Chae Rok to spend time together and connect - as much as that isn't something that Chae Rok actually wants right now.

It warms my heart so, to see that Deok Chul is so earnest about his role as Chae Rok's manager, that he meticulously takes notes about Chae Rok's activities, moods, likes and dislikes, and doggedly follows Chae Rok around, to eat with him and keep tabs on him, "because that's what a manager does." The cherry on the cake, is how Deok Chul decides to give Chae Rok wake up calls every morning, because that's what he's seen managers do on TV. Tee hee. I love it. It's like Deok Chul is loving on Chae Rok in the sweetest, most aggressive manner, and Chae Rok doesn't know what to do about it.

Of course, there's also how dedicated Deok Chul is, in applying himself towards learning ballet, even when Chae Rok's demands lean excessive. The way Deok Chul works so hard to pass Chae Rok's "entrance exam" of holding the balancé position for a full minute, is very endearing, and completely inspiring. He encounters so many setbacks, and falls over so many times, but he just keeps on trying.

And in the midst of it all, Deok Chul finds time to visit his son Seong Gwan, and encourage him to just stick to his guns, and keep telling Mom that he's happy now. That simple acceptance that Deok Chul shows, must feel like a balm to Seong Gwan's soul, particularly if he feels rejected by Mom, for giving up his career as a doctor. Deok Chul says so little in this scene, but his love and acceptance for his son is so profound.

That scene of Deok Chul on D-Day, giving it his all, to hold the balancé position for the full minute that Chae Rok demands, is both nerve-racking and inspiring. Clearly, the one week of effort that he's put in hasn't quite been enough, but we see through flashback, just the kind of dogged persistence that Deok Chul's lived by, even during his days as a mailman, and I can completely buy that Deok Chul's desperation to do well, would fill up the gap between his goal and his physical ability. Deok Chul's body may be weaker and more limited than he'd like, but it's becoming clear that his mind and his passion are larger and more potent than Chae Rok could imagine.

Even though Chae Rok's so gruff and grumpy on the surface, it's becoming clear that he really does desire his father's approval. That scene of him writing a post-it note to himself, and pasting it on the fridge, along with other notes that his father had written, is so poignant. Poor Chae Rok, I feel bad for him that he's all alone, and is self-soothing by creating pretend-notes from his dad.

I'm guessing that even though Chae Rok's standoffish and chafes at the way Deok Chul refuses to stop following him around like an earnest puppy, there's a part of him that probably does like the feeling of not being alone, at least in this small way. I mean, for the first time in a long time, Chae Rok's actually got someone with him, who is there for him at the doctor's office, keen to know how condition, and there for him in the bathroom, ready to hand him a pack of tissues when he's run out of toilet paper. Deok Chul is basically inadvertently filling the role of surrogate father to Chae Rok, and I'm sure it won't be long before Chae Rok becomes cognizant of the value that Deok Chul brings to his life.

I would definitely like to know more about what's going on in Chae Rok's mind, as he lives his life. The way he's cold to Eun Ho at work feels unnecessary and rude, and even though he stands up to the unreasonable customer and helps her out, his actions feel like they're coming from a place of impatience rather than compassion.

Chae Rok's words to Eun Ho, telling her that she's trying too hard, feel cold and judgmental as well. I'm glad that Eun Ho gives him a piece of her mind, if only to give him something to think about. It seems that Chae Rok's only able to see his own situation and frustrations, right now. From what he says to Se Jong, it seems that to Chae Rok's eyes, Eun Ho's privileged and has loads more options in life. Perhaps his hostility towards her is a form of resentment, for the lack of privilege and options in his own life?

I'm curious to know more about what's going on with Deok Chul's son Seong Gwan. Why drove him to quit his career in medicine, and what sort of documentary has he been working on, all these years since, and why won't he talk about it?

I'm starting to dislike Seong San. I guess I'd disliked him on first impression, since he'd been such an ass at Deok Chul's birthday celebration. But this thing about him getting all depressed and upset at his wife interviewing for a job at his company, is too much. It's especially galling, to realize that she'd worked there 20 years ago, and simply looking to continue working there. It seems that Seong San feels she's encroaching on his territory? Or.. does Seong San perhaps have something to hide? Like an affair with a secretary, perhaps? Hrm..

The burgeoning connection between Deok Chul and Chae Rok continues to be my favorite thing in this show, and the way Deok Chul twins with Chae Rok in terms of ballet outfits, is just super cute. 😍

It's so endearing that Deok Chul immediately takes over the food delivery work for Chae Rok, as he earnestly explains that they can't afford to risk the safety of a ballerino, since Chae Rok's going to be a star. He's such a dedicated sweetheart. I love that Deok Chul's diligence is making Chae Rok question whether Deok Chul used to be an athlete. Yay Deok Chul.

I'm still puzzled by the bullies who seem out to make life miserable for Chae Rok, but I'm glad that Chae Rok's had enough and isn't about to take this latest attack lying down. I'm really curious to know how Deok Chul's going to help him get out of this situation unscathed, because it does look like Blonde Bully is ready to beat Chae Rok up for daring to talk back. 😬



This is a special something Fangurl. The only thing I can say is "I need more Kleenex"! I really love this drama. 😭


i love this show too!!