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E2. I feel more engaged, more intrigued, and more entertained this episode, which all bode well for my relationship with this show, going forward.

I feel like I'm getting the hang of this drama world, sort of. It does require some suspension of disbelief, that the people around So Yong are that tolerant of her crazy antics; I feel like in a more serious sageuk world, she would've already been imprisoned for lunacy, for good. But in this drama world, everyone is much more tolerant, and as a result, So Yong gets to flounce around as she pleases, while her court ladies and maidservants wring their hands and shuffle about furiously. Also, nobody seems to mind too much, that she's not using courtly language, and is even using modern slang.

It's quite amusing, and the funny is enhanced by Choi Jin Hyuk's ultra deep voiceovers, which directly contrast with Shin Hye Sun's feminine visuals. On that note, I really am very impressed with Shin Hye Sun; the way her delivery matches the tone of the voiceovers is so good that I often find myself forgetting that these aren't her actual thoughts.

I found it most entertaining when Bong Hwan pits his player skills against Cheoljong, like during the wedding night, when they try to get each other drunk. It's quite fun to see player pitted against player, each trying his darndest to outwit the other.

The way we get situated regarding the political situation is also much more fun than average, since we get Bong Hwan's sarcastic droll commentary, as he processes all the information he gets. I find this efficient and effective, since Bong Hwan basically analyzes everything for us, in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Very clever, Show.

On that note, I rather like the fact that there's political intrigue that Bong Hwan / So Yong needs to sort through. This makes everything more interesting than if it were purely about needing to get back to his own body in the present. Also, it gives Show a chance to play with the idea of history vs. reality, like with how Cheoljong is represented as something of a sex maniac in the annals of history, but doesn't seem to be that way at all, in reality. I like how Bong Hwan then categorizes the history books as mere tabloids, ha.

I'm definitely curious to know more about Cheoljong, who's a clueless king by day, and fierce ninja by night. It's clear that he wants to find evidence of corruption so that he can clean up the court, but what is all this about his feelings for his Royal Concubine, and what does Prince Youngpyeong mean when he tells Cheoljong not to let his personal feelings get in the way, with regards to the queen? I'm curious to know what the real story is.

Also, how interesting, that So Yong is getting insight into some of the real So Yong's memories. Those memories indicate that Cheoljong despised the real So Yong, so that directly contradicts the idea that Cheoljong might have personal feelings for So Yong. That definitely piques my curiosity.

Now that Cheoljong's decided that he's going to kill So Yong himself, how is our body-swapping, time travel-challenged protagonist going to survive?



Overall, I found episode 2 to be a steady episode. As for Shin Hye Sun, she is out Choi Jin Hyuking Choi Jin Hyuk, she is that good re her portrayal of him in the Queen's body, let alone using his mannerisms and so on. Yes, the tabloid reference was a nice turn of phrase. However, it did get the producers of the show in a bit of hot water and they formerly apologised - which tends to suggest that it did play down too much the official record. Then, further to that, as the show is based on the web drama based on the Chinese novel: Go, Princess Go, the author allegedly made derogatory comments in one of her novels regarding Koreans.


Ahaha! That's a great way of putting it, that Shin Hye Sun is out Choi Jin Hyuking even Choi Jin Hyuk himself!! 🤣🤣 She IS doing a fantastic job. I missed that piece of news about the show having to apologize for the line about tabloids! Was the apology in relation to disrespecting history? I did hear that netizens were upset that the show wasn't more respectful of history.


Yes, there is that caveat, as most shows now have. So, while the likes of you and I do not take it to heart, others do. However, the interesting thing is, and depending where you live, a disclaimer does not necessarily provide a defence for such actions. The expectation is that commonsense prevails 🤣 It may be better to show it as a warning rather than as a disclaimer. We do that here with recognising certain cultural sensitivities because the viewer does need to know if they are about to watch a pictorial of someone who is deceased etc.