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Patreon Poll for This month's drawing.

  • 1. BBW dancing hyena 3
  • 2. Berri and Tina Cheering on the new year 5
  • 3. BBW Dog lying on top of someone 6
  • 4. Dinah and Ranna jerking a guy off 8
  • 5. Biggest Whale Lady having a lovely little swim 4
  • 6. BBW Shark working out 2
  • 7. Nushi teasing Redd 1
  • 2024-02-08
  • —2024-02-16
  • 29 votes
{'title': "Patreon Poll for This month's drawing.", 'choices': [{'text': '1. BBW dancing hyena', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '2. Berri and Tina Cheering on the new year ', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '3. BBW Dog lying on top of someone', 'votes': 6}, {'text': '4. Dinah and Ranna jerking a guy off', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '5. Biggest Whale Lady having a lovely little swim', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '6. BBW Shark working out', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '7. Nushi teasing Redd', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 16, 4, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 8, 14, 59, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 29}


Vote on which two drawings you'd want to see finished.

First place gets the full color treatment.

Second gets flat colored.

Deadline is 2/15 @11:59pm


1. Uzume dancing for the new years?: 


2.  Berri and Tina Cheering on the new year as they are in Chinese Dresses



3. Deborah lying on top of someone, wanting attention. 


4.  Dinah and Ranna jerking a guy off



5.  The Biggest Whale Lady having a lovely little swim :)

6.  Wilma trying to get in shape for the new year. I'd love to see her breaking a sweat in clothes a few sizes too small.


7.  Ganga teasing Redd :9 




so many fun choices :9 ~ Oop, looks like the url for Tina got borked and isn't clickable, it appears to be " http:// https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EKGJqfKXYAASr1d?format=jpg&name=large "in the page code.