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Apologies for the Delays folks.   Had a ton of work to do this month.    Bear with me as getting the patreon arts might take a tad longer to finish at the moment.

Send your request on what you like to see.  This will be for both 1st and 2nd place drawings for the month.

Idea with the most votes will get the full color treatment

Idea with the second most votes will get the flat colored treatment.

All ideas will be added in and voted on.

Any specific pose, scene or theme can be included.

Any OCs can be suggested.   Be it mine, yours, or someone else's.

Previous patreon sketches can be added in.

A few guidelines:

One idea per member only.

Original characters and races preferred!   Please avoid characters or races from existing franchises (TV shows, video games, movies, etc.)   Some exceptions can be made, but rarely.

Be reasonable with your requests!   I will not add it to the poll if it is something that's out of my tastes or too complicated.

Deadline for suggestions is Sunday @11:59pm



Thud discovers Oktoberfest (Thud is simultaneously now the king of Oktoberfest and indefinitely banned from Oktoberfest)


mandi nude or in a bikini getting thighfucked from behind while her breasts get groped.