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Hello peoples.  Just posting some info about changes to the goals as well as how rewards work for Double Platinum members.

 Goal 1 - 150 Patrons

If this goal is met, there will be two drawings that will be chosen for completion in the monthly polls.   This second place drawing will be given a flat color treatment.

Goal 2 - 200 Patrons

If we reach this goal, I will add sequential art and comics to the line up of sketches that get posted and included in the polls.   Comics will be one page of work only.

Double Platinum Rewards.

I'd like to clarify how your requests work.  

These are sketches only!  Example of quality here:


The entire lineup of my characters is accessible to you. The reward can be sfw or nsfw.   Just be reasonable with your request and don't ask for anything that is out my comfort zone (this includes fetishes) or doesn't respect the character.

At the end of each month you can either send me a message with your request or wait until I make an announcement for it on the patreon.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them.


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