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The pieces of the sci-fi project are starting to form. It’s time to vote for the protagonist’s backstory.

  • A) Novice pilot in his first mission, has the grades and recommendations, but no practical experience. He is the son of someone important, and maybe not even be that competent to be there, and he needs to prove himself worthy to the rest of the crew. All he wants is to get rid of the burden of being the son of someone famous.
  • B) A rebel spy infiltrated the ship's crew to sabotage the space mission. The accident that took the ship to a strange planet may have been caused by him on purpose, and he believes that working for the rebels can help change the world for the better. But is he right?
  • C) IT guy from the ship’s crew. No previeous space expecience, but lots of tech knowledge. After the ship crash-lands, maybe he's the only one who can fix it. Nobody thought much of him, but now he has the chance to prove himself worthy. But will he be able to survive out there, without any space training?
  • D) A prisoner who was mistaken for the real criminal, and managed to scape after the ships crash-lands. Now that he escaped, he has a chance to find the real culprit and prove his innocence before he is recaptured. But the crew is right after him.
  • E) Hidden passenger hitchhiking in secret. The crew only realized he was on board when the ship was about to crash, and they suspect he may have caused the accident. But he just wanted to have fun, but now he is in real trouble in a foreign world.
  • F) The young and prodigy leader of the crew. He is not the son of anyone important and he got to where he is by his own efforts. Some respect him, others envy him and/or distrust him. As a leader, he needs to protect his team, but perhaps not everyone values his success.


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