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It’s time we talk about the backstories for the main girls of our Sci-fi project

Which one is your favorite?

1 – This woman is a member of your crew. She’s tough at first, but as you two bond you discover she had a tragic background. She might be searching for a lost relative, or answers about her past. But maybe she’s willing to leave all that behind, and she sees a fresh start in you.

2 – This woman is a famous intergalactic criminal, but you end up discovering that she is someone worth helping. She might be unfairly accused or victim of a conspiracy. If you can save her from the ones who chase her, maybe she can retribute.

3 – She is royalty. A princess perhaps? She doesn't want to talk about herself too much, but you imagine she's running away from an arranged marriage. Now she wants to see the universe. Could you be her guide?

4 – This young woman aspires to be a well-known scientist across the galaxy, and she made a huge discovery. However, she is too shy to publish her research. It's up to you to help her overcome her fear of opening up.

5 – She was a prisoner who was being transferred, but manage to escape. She’s powerful and dangerous, and you’re the only one who can get her back. But will you resist her persuasion powers?

6 – She is actually an AI, but she looks just like a goddess, the most beautiful of women. She is so perfect! And, she has all the knowledge in the universe. She even knows how to drive a man crazy…


Milo Wadlin

5 sounds like Jack from Mass Effect. Great character and back story. but....