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Hey FreshMen,

I've come up with four plot ideas for our fantasy novel based on your favorite backstories for the girls. Kindly let me know your suggestions in the comments as well!

1) You were tricked by a supposed goddess to help her defeat the demon queen. As it turns out, both goddess and demon queen are actually not powerful at all, and their epic fight now feels more like a hassle, with you, a mere sorcerer’s apprentice, in the middle of it.

2) The descendant of the Lord of Hell has decided to take over the world. The problem is that she doesn’t actually know a lot about the world itself, so she has decided to walk among mortals, thus, crossing paths with you, a sorcerer who’s lived his whole life in a tower, and doesn’t have much real-world experience. The two end up getting a job at the local tavern, working for the owner, a human woman who tricked you into thinking this was a good idea.

3) While trying to prove yourself worthy, you were tricked by a succubus into releasing an Elder God into your world. The problem is that this god – a goddess, actually – isn’t as powerful as advertised, and now the two want you to perform tasks for them to gather more power. Sometimes you wonder if there is an actual elder goddess, or if it’s just an elaborate scheme made by the two of them.

4) You accidentally help a clumsy witch summon a demon lady. When the spell goes wrong, and the demon turns her mind control magic against the witch herself, she has no one to ask for help but you. Together, you must do the demon lady’s bidding, while trying to break the witch free from her spell.


Sower of Systems

I'd really love to see a game where you as the MC are actually quite competent and already powerful and/or renowned. Everybody does stories where you start out as a novice nobody, but I prefer the ones that flip that on its head. If you watch anime, think Log Horizon or Overlord Ravager is a good example of a mature game that provides that narrative


2, but could u tie in 4 with the demon lady being the mother of the demon trying to take over the world, and the witch u help, could be like a long standing friend who struggle at magic more then Mc


In my opinion, combining 1 and 2 can create an engaging story. :)

Kurt Wagner

2 but the trick by inn owner should not be too serious and should be more comedic probably