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Hey FreshMen,

Help me select the best backstories for the main girls in a Fantasy game:

1 – Her husband has been missing for over a year under mysterious circumstances. Everyone believes him to be dead. Having been without a man in her life for so long, she develops a certain interest in the MC.

2 – This woman ends up tricking you into helping her, but you end up discovering that she is someone worth helping. She forms a good bond with the MC and wants to be around him all the time.

3 – This mysterious sorceress is not telling everything she knows. She's seen things about your future, and she's interested in you. She said that she wants to “teach you a lot of things”. Her ambiguous tone makes you question whether she is interested in you or not.

4 – She is royalty. A princess perhaps? She doesn't want to talk about herself too much, but you imagine she's running away from an arranged marriage. Now she wants to see the world. Could you be her guide?

5 – This woman is a seductress. Anyone would kill for the chance to spend at least one night with her. But she keeps a secret: she is a virgin. How can a woman so attractive and full of suitors never have had sex in her life? Could you help her solve this problem?

6 – This priestess helped to face a huge evil a long time ago. Now this evil wants to return. She seems willing to do anything to protect the world, even go against her beliefs.

7 – This young woman aspires to be a famous bard across the kingdom, however, she is too shy. It's up to you to help her overcome her fear of opening up.

8 – She is a goddess. Or at least that's what she claims, but having no followers, she can't use her powers. Would you be the first follower of this goddess?

9 – She claims to be the queen of demons and wants to conquer the world. Even though she has a crown, she doesn't seem to know how to do many things. Will you help her with her plan for world domination, or will you try to show her another way?

10 – She was raised among the barbarians, but this was never a path she wanted to take. It's hard to be a pacifist warrior, but that's the mission this woman has chosen for herself.