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Hey FreshMen,

Which of these classes are sexy for female love interests in a fantasy game?



Assassin that's being hunted and you mend her up. Sounds like a nice route to me. Or going to assassinate you but you managed to stop her and your able to convince her to stop and assist you. Former sounds better


I've experienced enough content where I could confidently rationalize/justify any of these to be a viable option. I chose Assassin, but if I could choose multiple, I'd say Assassin (or ninja/roguish type in general), Priestess/Healer (or almost any quality support-based archetype really), and Wizard (there's a lot of opportunities for scenes/arcs on the basis that you're helping her learn/perfect/test a spell/type of magic) You could always go with a predictable personality for the class in question, but sometimes, the juxtaposition of the two can be interesting, like an innocent maiden forced into a life of banditry, didn't have a choice but to become an Assassin through circumstance, and hates it but knows no other life. Of course, there's always different levels of depth in great characters.

Michael Hawk

Conversely, what if she loved it because she knew no other life? Perhaps her family and friends are all part of the business. At times she seems innocent and her thinking is very binary, black and white...her targets must be evil/bad/"the enemy" and she is a humble agent of justice and unconventional protection. Or she has a stoic and pragmatic view of the world and herself: the world is cruel and some people just need killing. Is the assassin the fearless zealot (historical), the loyal soldier, the professional mercenary, or the contract criminal?

Paul Boros

Just a thought but a dual class Any of the above/Yoga Mistress?