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Hello, FreshMen!

As we explore possibilities for new franchises, something occurred to me: it’s important to know what you like most about FreshWomen, so we can have clear guidelines for new projects.

So, which of these things keep you playing FreshWomen? (You can pick up to three options)



The writing on Freshwomen is something spectacular. That and the density of sex (plus the actual quality of the scenes) makes me trust that whatever you end up putting out will be solid.


Yes, the in this case the cake is better then it’s layers, It’s how you put it all together rather then anything specific by itself. The sex scenes, the dialogue, the interesting character, the external and internal plots, the quality of art, and final polish all together make it a good game.


Most games have a lot of plot with some sex. Let's be honest with ourselves here. This one is great because it is well balanced and had lots of sex compared to others.

Grayson Phipps

Fine line between erotic character development and sex scenes. There has to be a payoff from getting laid via a developed relationship, but then again, some of the story driven AN's do not have nearly enough scenes.


I understand that you are busy with other tasks, but I would like to know the paths of other girls.


①The fastest path to Julia’s heart! ②You won’t believe what the quiet nerdy girl likes...                 These two articles are about Julia and Chloe. I would like you to post information about the other ladies.


Ohhhhh I see... I can't write more of these articles right now. I have bigger tasks that need my attention.


(1) I would like to know, are these articles likely to be posted, within a month? Or is it a few months later? 2) Do you plan to announce about that big task?


1) Nashi, you should just download our Walkthrough, or ask questions to Sani on Discord. They have the information you need. 2) Off course!