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I'm curious if you would buy an adult visual novel where the main character is a girl.


Leah Mill

I would say "yes, and have OPTIONS for lesbian and straight sex/love interests", none mandatory. Choice is always good. Also, I personally love female protagonist games/VNs where the story/gameplay is handled the same as it would if it was a male protagonist, as opposed to making it all about corruption of the MC because they're female.


Yes, and No. Because some have really gripping stories, and dialogue for those characters, and at the same time, those same games have the cursed tags on them. And it feels absolutely wrong when you make them go the wrong path. My opinion anyways (I stared a little too long in the abyss of NTR, and lost a small part of my self)


The one thing I don't like in a VN is when certain LI's are forced onto the MC. The choice should be up to the player on who they want to romance and who they don't want to romance, not have one forced down the throat expecting the player to automatically like them. Not everyone has the same likes and shouldn't be forced to "like" one LI over the others. I at times don't mind side LI's BUT most of the LI's that I end up really liking are the ones that are the side LI's aka Lily and Susan.

Ivar Andreas Rossavik

Great idea! My wife think that sounds awesome too, cause there are none as far as we know. Girls like sex too. And as a guy, I would love to experience the other side of things. Just remember to hire a female consultant


No, and it gives a weird vibe when I see it. keep in mind that about 90%+ of the target audience for adult VN are men (if not more). Even though my wife was exited for the prospect, she told me straight on, she'd never buy it herself.

Michael Hawk

Melody by MrDots? Bright Past by Kosmos? Ptolemy's current project. Innocence or Money by MarcialART? Good Girl Gone Bad by EvaKiss (NGL, used a guide to get the faithful "good ending" which still had plenty of H along the way)? Corruption and a female protagonist in an H game usually go hand-in-hand. Look, you don't take the sloot you had a one-night stand with to meet your mother, playing a female protag for a prolonged period of time, especially in a "serious" game, feels like that. The above games at least give the option to avoid some of that to varying degrees.

Leah Mill

There are an unfortunately small number that I'm aware of, none of them finished.But three I enjoy quite a lot are Bad Memories and Mythos, where you can choose the gender of the MC, and Dog Days Of Summer. Also of note are Come Home and Bare Witness, which are male-protagonist games, but I very much like the way female love interests' relationships with each other are done - in both, there are two love interests who are also in a relationship with each other, who the MC can optionally form a triad with (all three in a relationship with each other, rather than both just being with the MC) - and I was pleasantly surprised when the lesbian relationship wasn't treated as "lesser" because it's between two women, and that the MC didn't try to break them up because he felt threatened.

Leah Mill

I was honestly really surprised when I found out that Lily was a side LI while Emily was a main one. I really thought it was the other way around, with how much more of a presence Lily has had so far than Emily - and of the two I personally much prefer Lily. Plus, that also means that none of the main LIs are redheads, which feels like a crime. 😛

Leah Mill

I would also second what was said in another comment, and look at including women in your writing team if at all possible, as I think it's important to make sure you're getting a female perspective on a female MC


Good girl gone bad was great. So yes


Yes and both MILFs in the game are side LI's which is also a crime. I am hoping this will change in Season 2 though.

Leah Mill

It's funny you say that about not taking someone who sleeps around to meet their mother, because that's exactly what most LIs do in VNs with male protagonists - whether because they're sharing the MC with other women in a multiple-relationship setup, or because he's just sleeping with anything that moves without even bothering to gain their LIs consent or establish a relationship first. That double-standard is a very common occurrence, and a very annoying one - both in fiction and real life

Leah Mill

Not that I have a problem with non-monogamous relationships - I'm poly in real life, and love having the same setup in VNs as long as all LIs are treated as equal, with respect and care - it's the double-standard of it being fine for men to sleep around or have multiple relationships, but not for women to do the same, that I don't like.


Can only women enjoy a female MC? Assumptions, assumptions...


I selected no, but I will say here rarely. Even with suspension of disbelief that is in most games, I personally have a hard time playing a female character. My mind just doesn't flow with it. However, if the story is truly amazing and catches me, I'm glad to play. Mind you, I can only think of a handful of games period (erotic or not) that have held me more than an hour or two like that. On the flip side, if you want to make a game with that, go for it! There is a market for it (including males, females and other), I'm just not a part of that market.