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Hey FreshMen,

We are constantly looking for more audience for our game, and our next big audience is on Steam, where we can reach from 10,000 to 200,000 new players.

With all the support from these new players, we'll be able to grow our team much faster. Presently, we are 10 people, but we could hire another 10 to double our productivity.

There is a way you can help us reach 200,000 new players: buying and reviewing the game on Steam when it comes out on August 5th ($14 will be the base price).

Steam is big on Word of Mouth, and if you guys could dedicate 5 minutes to write a constructive and genuine review about us in their store, it could make a world of a difference. Seriously. Reviews are that powerful.

Only purchases made directly from Steam count. Steam Key redemptions have 0 weight for their algorithm.

What do you say, guys? 



Probably not available in my country so i cant buy it even if I wanted.

Maximilian Schmidt

Sadly here in Germany Steam locked every adult game which contains sex and nudety. I would love to buy it on Steam and leave a comment, but I'm unable to do so.

Tor Cha

I have it on my Wish List allready


I would if my computer was working. All I have to play on is Android for now.


It'll be by season on steam Patreon will continue to ep6aka start of season 2 and both will be continued Thiers also itch.io support as well The game is far from over ^^


Patreon will continue to be our main source of monthly revenue and delivery of new content. The price $14 will be for Season 1 (Episodes 1 to 5). Any extra episodes will be bought as DLCs. I'm still studying how frequently I'll update Steam with new content. I actually hope to convert as many Steam players into Patrons over the long run.


I am a $5 patreon and I'm not sure I'm willing to pay for a game I already support and have for quite a while now (Oct 21). I get that a free steam key wouldn't count, but I guess I could discontinue my support until it equals what I paid on steam? so I am abstaining from voting but perhaps you all have an idea?

Sera Sedlina

The Problem for Patreon creators with steam releases is simple. Why should people continue to pay 120 a year if they can get the game for a single purchase on a different distributor. Even if the releases get split into multiple products the price drop is often what drives the "patreons" away - after all there is no point in paying for the same cow twice.


There are regular players, and super-die hard fans. Super die-hard fans use love instead of logic. Super die-hard fans want to help us at any cost, and they know that we wouldn't exist without their support.


The reason I buy on Patreon and itch is because no one has access to the games I play. On steam, this becomes slightly embarrassing


I've seen some Patreon devs say they have to increase the price of the base tier with access to their game on Patreon, to be the equivalent of the game price on Steam. They said it's due to Steam rules or some such, but it makes Patreon a raw deal in comparison.

Michael Heilig

Adult Games in Steam are not available in my country so i cant purchase it there and write a review