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Hey FreshMen,

We have 12 sex scenes from episode 1 to 5, and you'll now be able to replay them from the gallery.

You'll also see that you might have missed some sex scenes in previous episodes, so you can try to unlock them.

Countless players asked me this feature over the months, and some people even made mods for it.

I hope to release this feature as soon as it's fully tested.






Great! Can't wait to see this feature releasing

Sower of Systems

This is wonderful news! Replay galleries are truly a must have feature for any mature game

Huw Gryffin

I say, old chap, that's frightfully considerate of you!! Does this mean I'll get to see all of those lovely ladies without their undergarments on? My oh my!! I can't stop bouncing up and down with excitement!! I don't think I'll get a wink of sleep tonight just thinking about it!! You and your colleagues, sir, are gentlemen and scholars!! I thank you all from the bottom of my wallet!!

Rob Lantz

I cannot tell you how happy this makes me! No more multiple saves just to see sex scenes again!


Nice. It makes sense to implement it now as opposed to the games initial release.


Any way of getting some sort of points system showcase? It would be nice to see the points we have with all the girls.


Great news, scene galleries are must haves for these type of games imo. Keep up the good work! Also I see from the picture that we'll be having some more fun with Lily in Ep.5 can't wait!