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Which of the women above are you interested in seeing more in FreshWomen?


Esteban Fernandez

Well i think it because it the less sexually explored route of all girls.


Should have it divided into categories instead to make it a bit more fairer imo. Like the MILF category, the teen category or the whatever category Alyssa and Sue fall under because they are definitely not teens, etc. Figures two of my favorites are "side characters!"


I think the cute younger sister types are generally popular too

Michael Anders

Not a colored and short hair type of guy

Michael Anders

Yea I guess. Idk just something about her.

Andrew Baker

Love me some Sue. Just have a thing for perfectly proportioned fit girls with attitude! ❤️


Julia seems to me to be the little sister type.

The Juggernaut

Alyssa is perfect ❤️. Any beautiful and sweet woman who can orgasm from nipple stimulation only, automatically wins. Sue runs a very close second. And I’m taking this silly game way too seriously! 🤣


Recency bias with alyssa. Chloe is a supreme. Chloe is absolute


#VoteforSue. There is depth there.


I'm a fan of Sue. I have a thing for girls with a bitchy attitude.

Shawn Tam

Chloe needs more loveeeeeeeee!!