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Hey Guys,

I asked 6 writers to write the same scene and send me the results.

I'm going to post 1 script a day and you'll have the power to read it and judge.

Is this story good or bad? You decide!

Your votes will help me hire our next co-writer. Choose Wisely!

Click here to read the full story 


Leave your comments below.



We’re mostly grown adults here… take a close look at what Dr. Pink cake is doing. His writing for the DiK interlude is crazy. Could be a worthwhile show. No disrespect of course.


I read the whole document, and I'd say this is enjoyable writing overall, but there are a few spelling and grammar errors that really shouldn't be there, so I think the current average of ~3.75 stars is fair.


I think this is good. I think FW and DiK are not comparable. DiK is darker while I see FW is a light-hearted Romcom, as we can see from the dancing lesson scenes and Chole sex Scenes. I think ultimately, the goal is to keep a coherent tone across the whole story. Nobody wants to see people die in Romcom, or sudden gag in Serious Tragedy.


Great stuff, I think this game has always had a good balance between what is shown on screen vs told in words. This seems to maintain that balance. Apparantly there were spelling mistakes but I didn't notice them anyway.

Damian Scisci

I know the writer likely doesn't speak English as a first language and it frankly shows. I don't want to sound harsh, but it reads around the 5th grade level.


I liked the writing and it was pretty smooth reading and English is my native language so I can definitely enjoy his writing.