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Hey guys,

I was wondering what makes a choice "meaningful" or "meaningless"?

- A choice that locks you out of specific content?
- A choice that unlocks specific content?
- A choice that gives/loses you relationship points?
- A choice that changes a sentence or two?
- A choice with short-term consequences?
- A choice with long-term consequences?
- A choice with no consequences at all?
- What do you think of a visual novel without choices?

Can you give examples of meaningful and meaningless choices?
I want to study your perspective on this.



I’d say everything but the “no consequences” part

Sower of Systems

I think that in a game like this, meaningful choices need not feel like you're being locked out of content, even if you technically are. Choices can change the characters' personalities or how they react to you, long or short term. I don't think there should ever be a "bad" outcome, only different ones. Choices can let players direct the game on their preferred path.

Aces4all Gaming

The biggest thing for me is for you to keep telling the story you're inspired to tell. I an really liking what I see so far. I'll gladly support support minor changes to how you tell it if you think it will attract more people but please do not get so far in the weeds making 'improvements' that you stop moving forward with the story.


I think a meaningful choice would be one that allows you to focus on the relationship with 1 girl and potentially miss out on scenes with the other girls. This would improve replay-ability by giving you different paths and potentially different endings

Huw Gryffin

1) A meaningful choice is one that has palpable consequences, even though they may have varying degrees of impact upon whatever the choice relates to. Example; I decided to seduce her because I knew that she desired me just as I desired her and, despite the fact that she's married and her husband, knowing that I desire her will no doubt at some point put two and two together and come after me seeking retribution. A meaningless choice has no consequences of any meaningful consequence whatsoever. Example: I decided to seduce her because I knew that she desired me just as I desired her and because I wouldn't have to worry about her husband, who died a while ago, coming after me seeking retribution. I think...🤠


Hmm, well I'll give you an example a meaningless choice would be having an investigative branch to a story, using that time to investigate that you could be using to get to know other chars. Then finding that if you hadn't investigated at all you still would end up at the exact same ending as you would if you had with a few alterations of dialogue. A meaningful choice? Invesitigating finding out what makes those chars or intrigue work then using that knowledge to achieve a different ending or 2. Tell tale games are notorious for meaningless choices, that seem like they make a difference but really they don't. You will still reach the end goal the story is on rails because it has auto immediate fail states something you did in chapter one won't stop you from reaching chapter 5, or receiving a bad end in chapter 3 foe example there isn't a true diverging path just because x or y is there just flavour text. In the end there's an overarching script that won't deviate regardless of who is present, barely anything changes just small divergences from the fail/pass state. Don't get me wrong I like tell tale but I see the failings of that storytelling and that engine. Another way of looking at it is meaningful choices, you can lock yourself into a bad end. But you won't just be given a fail state oops you picked the wrong choice, instead you have to watch the fail state because you don't know you have already failed and you won't til you reach the end of that path. Another one? People don't just forgive you for betraying their trust or cheating on them, or just immediatelly accept other people in the relationship. Hell just because you ask for forgiveness doesn't mean someone will "Because you're the main char with the dick of the gods and suddenly this char is bi for convenience", people have been cut out of others lives completely for less.


To me if it affects later content (either locks or unlocks via pathing/branching, either immediately or even a few chapters in the future) or possibly leads to that via adding or subtracting stat pts then it's meaningful. Choices that affect the MC in other ways (ie other chars' disposition towards him) from that point forward in the story are also meaningful. Choices that only effect the next few renders and immediate dialog responses or other minor differences are not (when there's no need for making a save point when the back button gets the job done just as well).


Meaningful to me means that it has an impact on you and that other character for good or bad. If I only care about a certain character then I will pursue that character and only make Meaningful choices with them.


In my opinion, the more the plot is impacted by the choices the player makes, the more "meaningful" the choice is. If a certain choice only changes a sentence or two, then this can be viewed as a meaningless choice, not because they are less plot relevant, but because the change might not be perceived across different playthroughs.


All choices regarding the game are nice. Long-term consequences might be harder to implement, but short term choices also are nice and give immersion. Especially in the sex scenes small choices add to the immersion!


I would say meaningful choices are ones that are interesting to consider, and that have lasting consequences / create replay value. 'Do you want to eat pancakes or waffles?' is not a meaningful choice, but not all choices have to be. An example of a meaningful choice would be going to a house party with Julia or a masquerade ball with Lily, where either choice locks you out of the other, and where each provides a ton of content unique to that choice. Just don't lock us out of the harem ending too easily ;)

Tom pham

Honestly, any of the first 3 seems fair. Gives more sense of consequences. If anything, one can just save before hand to experience all the different scenarios so it's not too bad.