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I want to select all. It is important each girl has a different style, thickness, and spread of a bush. Like Lily would have a more natural look where the bush is spread around all over, but Susan being kinky would have a tidier groomed bush. And based on #2, I wanna say right away don't make the carpet match the drapes. Julia's hair is dyed but it'd be weird if she also dyed her bush too.

Crowangel Gaming

tbh i pref the landing strip but also shaved if that was an option.. im guessing the colour coding is for specific girls lol


I prefer full untrimmed bush myself, even on the outer lips (but not on legs or asshole, that's a bit overboard even for me). But like previous 2 polls variety is the spice of life and every girl is different. Hippie types don't shave at all (even keeping their leg and ass cheek hair), some just do a landing strip, some trim it into shapes like hearts, etc. The world would be more boring if every girl had pussies and bushes that all looked exactly the same. 3 would be pefect if it was more triangle shaped and the outer lips were fuzzy too (blonde pubes get the precum going quicker, dunno why).

King of the Wharf

I have been a patron for some AVNs before, normally they poll about character's cloth or swim suits. This is the only one where we are being asked to choose different muff and bush for the ladies. All I have to say is the developers have set their priorities right.

Timothy Steiger

yeah, 1 if landing strip; 2 is ok; 3 if it were a triangle. wish it could vary by character.

random noise

If there's going to be a bush might as well be a stylish one kinda like 2, there's also some other styles like the line and such that look good. Thanks!


I've ran into a couple girls like that, not purple but a couple of brunettes trying to pass themselves off as natural blondes (given away when her roots started growing out after a couple weeks). Apparently hair dye isn't just for heads.


Mhm I am not saying it is possible, it just doesn't seem realistic that a girl as young as Julia would go to such great lengths to make people think she is a natural purplehead, since there is no such thing, when the majority of girls that dye their hair would simply have shave their entire bush off. Furthermore based on the votes from the previous poll, chances are that Julia wouldn't have a bush, so it probably won't be a problem.