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Hey Guys,

Recently I asked some patrons to test Episode 2 and give me their feedback. They said that the quality of the episode is a 9 out of 10, which is great! But they also said the length of the episode a 7 out of 10. And they are right. Episode 2 is 30% shorter than Episode 1. This should become the norm eventually because of the results of this poll.

I just learned something from a rookie mistake in project management: “Adding more team members to a project slows it down at first until the new members are fully trained.”

Last month, I recruited a movie editor and an animator for the project, and training them took a lot of time, but they are creating high-quality content and finally speeding up the project. I shared a sex animation with some play testers and they said the quality was very good.

For Episode 3, I should hire 1 or 2 two new artists to speed the development. At first they will require a lot of training, but in a month or two they will start to bear fruits.

I ask you guys to be patient. Making a high-quality game takes time. If I ask you to wait, it’s because I want to serve you well.





I rather the extra time to get the goods later on keep up the good work

Monosodium glutamate

Your logic is sound, you have to walk before you can run, that applies to game development too, train on the smaller episodes for now, this allows both a more manageable workload for your team, as well as a more consistent output of content for the patrons and fans. Everybody wins.


Love the transparency and your work ❤️


er I wish I was a patron back then to vote for that. I prefer 60 mins or more. But its ok. I will take quality over quantity. Keep up the hard work!!!


that would be appreciated. either way you guys are doing mega for a small team. I am happy to support even if things stay this way!!!

Billius Bilarbre

My issue is that I've been with you for nearly 3 months (I found out about you through mxr) and I have yet to see a new episode. Yes, make the best thing that you have, make sure it's play tested, but I've paid $45 so far, and I've only had 1 episode that was made before I heard of you. Perhaps a playtest component added to the tiers? I have actual experience doing that, I would love to participate. But you're not delivering what you promised at the poll, and you are way far away from what's promised in the blurb you made about it on your creator page. Now I suddenly feel like Eric's mom in the Santa Clarita Diet, sorry.


Wait Does this mean Ep. 2 is out now?


Testers are reporting the final errors and I'm fixing them for release that's coming very soon.


quality over quantity...glad to hear you can build out the team more...looking forward to when all the pieces fit together and this project can go full steam ahead.