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Hey Guys,

I'm curious if you're more interested in having access to as many girls as possible, or do you prefer to be with only one girl at the end.

Your answer will help us shape the future of the game.



Thanks Oppai! Even though I said no, we already know how this is going to end. Lol


Both options will be appreciated for those that like all or some girls xD I already know were I'm going xD


I think either one would be fine by me. I don't know hard it is to make both happen but I'm good with either one


I only have eyes for one of the girls but having a few others won't hurt anyone either so lets go with multiple lol

Portgas D. Luigi

I wouldn't be able to choose just one girl so I would like to not have to haha.


Personally, I would want a single girl ending, while having a more harem path. What I picture is getting a more in depth knowledge about the girls in episodes 2 and 3, having some experiences with them, and with episodes after that we need to make definitive decisions to which girl we want to pursue which leads to learning deeper knowledge of the girl choice. I believe with what mentioned above, it opens up replay capabilities to see all different outcomes of your different decisions.


I voted for the harem ending, but I like Anon's idea a lot. Dabble with all the women and make a choice. More work on for you, but great for playing.

Zojitzu Miri

Definitely would have chosen an "all of the above" or "both" option, if there was one..

Michael Anders

You should do a pathway that way you could pick either or


I know it’s not up there, but it would be interesting to have both options available and see how to navigate to such ends, like main goal harem, but the other endings single girl ones.