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Hey Guys,

I’m curious about which girl you like the LEAST (or dislike the most).

Your choice will help us design the future updates better. By spending less time with the least liked girl, you get to spend more time with the others.

(The results below are a preview and don't take voting power into account yet.)



Thats really hard to say since we just met them a few times.


Yeah agreed I can understand some of the votes right now being towards Susan but I’d like to get to know her more


Susan is a key character. You'll get to know more about her in Episode 2.


What about Sue is episode 2 gonna reveal more about her?

Lecherous Leech

I’m not particularly fond of Sue’s face model, and combined with her already sharp personality, I find her generally dislikeable.


Fair she’s not the nicest person of all time but she strikes me as a person that the more she opens up the better her character is and I like her face but that’s me I’m more into the sharp personality Chloe hasn’t clicked with me quite yet


I just dont relate/care too much for susan (compared to the other characters) to like her like the others, but it doesn’t mean i don like her, just need more history to her for rn =)


petite girls are best, IMO


I have my ideas but I'll put in for the one I'm least attached to


like many others. I will not be voting. Not enough content to know.


at first it was a tie between chloe and susan but chloe's grown on me a bit


I think a lot of us are on the same boat. We have only met each character in about 2-3 occasions in Episode 1. I think using this poll again after episode 2's release is appropriate, as some opinions may change with more revelation, a big example here is Susan.


Mine is Julia. Being an older person, she is just too young for me. And doesn't interest me.


I agree with you a little too early to tell for some of these character like Susan and sue and maybe even Chloe for me at least