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"Lighthouses are not just stone, brick, metal, and glass. There's a human story at every lighthouse; that's the story I want to tell.”
― Elinor DeWire

Welcome to Portland Head Light!

As lightkeeper for the past 30 years, I knew every nook and cranny of Portland Head Light. But lately, something felt wrong in the old lighthouse. Shadows shifted in my peripheral vision, and I swore I heard whispers on the wind.

One night, a fierce storm smashed against the rocks. Through driving rain, I saw strange lights dancing among the waves. At dawn, a huge form emerged from the surf and dragged itself onto the beaches below.

That night, screams rent the air. I scrambled down the stone steps, rain sheeting through my oilskins. A nightmare scene awaited—mangled corpses strewn across the pebbled shore.

And it saw me. A massive, shambling thing, glistening skin stretched taut over misshapen bones. Soulless eyes met mine, and its wide mouth split in a grinning challenge.

I fled back up the steps, barricading the tower door as pounding shook the ancient stones. Through cracks in the ancient granite, I saw glowing orbs peering in, promising unending torment if I emerged.

Days passed as my provisions dwindled. That thing prowled below, waiting for me to starve or slip from sanity's grasp. What eldritch evil had come to claim my light? I would die here before letting the Portland Head Light succumb to darkness.

With this map you get:

  • grid & gridless variations
  • PNG files, low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
  • day & night variations
  • abandoned variation
  • floor plans
  • dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
  • High-resolution WebP files
  • A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights, and more.

Portland Head Light - Ground Floor - Day

Portland Head Light - First Floor - Day

Portland Head Light - Lighthouse Top - Day

Portland Head Light - Aerial - Day

Portland Head Light - Ground Floor - Night

Portland Head Light - First Floor - Night

Portland Head Light - Lighthouse Top - Night

Portland Head Light - Aerial - Night

Portland Head Light - Ground Floor - Abandoned - Day

Portland Head Light - First Floor - Abandoned - Day

Portland Head Light - Lighthouse Top - Abandoned - Day

Portland Head Light - Ground Floor - Abandoned - Night

Portland Head Light - First Floor - Abandoned - Night

Portland Head Light - Lighthouse Top - Abandoned - Night

Portland Head Light - Ground Floor - Floor plan

Portland Head Light - First Floor - Floor plan

Rewards You need to be a patron in order to download the Tier 2+ rewards

Become a patron now

Chthonian (Tier 1) Full access to my Handout Generator Web App and my eternal gratitude!

(If you are looking for Handout Generator Foundry Module, it is available for Tier 3+ patrons)

Yog-Sothoth (Tier 2)

Portland Head Light - With Grid - 70 PPI 

Portland Head Light - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 1 

Portland Head Light - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 2 

Portland Head Light - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 3 

Portland Head Light - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 4 

Portland Head Light - Without Grid - 70 PPI 

Portland Head Light - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 1 

Portland Head Light - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 2 

Portland Head Light - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 3 

Portland Head Light - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 4 

Portland Head Light - dd2vtt files - Part 1 

Portland Head Light - dd2vtt files - Part 2 

Portland Head Light - WebP files - Part 1 

Portland Head Light - WebP files - Part 2 

Great Cthulhu (Tier 3) gets the basic variations of my maps in a foundry module

How to install my Foundry Modules

If you already downloaded the module just update it normally on FoundryVTT and the new maps will appear in your compendium.

Nyarlathotep (Tier 4) gets all the assets I designed for this map in my custom DungeonDraft Asset Pack released at the end of each month. This tier also gets all the map variations as a foundry module

View all asset packs

Azathoth (Tier 5) gets my eternal gratitude for the extra support. Any request you have (within reason) will be added on top of my backlog and be designed as soon as possible.



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