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"You can buy history, but you can't buy a culture.”
― Nathan Mirts

Welcome to Mrs Dubois Auction House!

It was on a cold, foggy evening that I first stumbled upon Mrs. Dubois' Auction House, nestled at the end of a winding street. The building's gothic exterior, with its ornate carvings and large, heavy wooden doors, immediately captured my attention.

The ground floor housed two lavish auction rooms, each filled with artifacts from around the world. Their origin stories were whispered among the guests, tales of treasures acquired from haunted houses, cursed tombs, and the lairs of dark creatures. The auctioneer, a tall figure with sharp features, would often tell of how the items had come into Mrs. Dubois' possession. But no one dared ask about the woman herself.

It was rumored that the first floor held a private auction room, reserved for the most exclusive clients. This chamber of dark desires was said to be home to the rarest and most cursed items.

Late one evening, as the last light of dusk faded, I decided to venture up to the first floor. My footsteps echoed eerily in the empty corridor. The door to the private auction room was slightly ajar, revealing an expanse of darkness. But it was Mrs. Dubois’ bedroom that I was drawn to.

The room was bathed in the soft, eerie glow of a single candle. Amidst the opulence, a grand four-poster bed stood as the centerpiece. But what caught my attention was an old-fashioned closet. Something within whispered for me to come closer, beckoning me towards its shadowed interior.

Upon closer inspection, nestled behind layers of velvet dresses and old fur coats, a cold metallic edge gleamed. It was a secret safe. My fingers danced over the dial, seemingly guided by an invisible hand. As the door of the safe slowly creaked open, an icy chill ran down my spine.

Inside lay a single, aged parchment. It was a letter, written in elegant script, presumably by Mrs. Dubois. The words revealed a haunting tale of lost love, betrayal, and an unspeakable pact made with the shadows. The date on the letter was from over a century ago, yet Mrs. Dubois' haunting visage in the portraits around the house looked no older than the day the letter was penned.

Suddenly, the candlelight flickered as a chilling breeze filled the room. I could feel the presence of someone, or something, watching. As I turned to leave, the silhouette of a woman appeared in the doorway. It was Mrs. Dubois, her eyes dark voids, her voice a soft, haunting whisper.

“You've found my secret,” she murmured. “But some stories are best left untold.”

With this map you get:

  • grid & gridless variations
  • PNG files, low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
  • day & night variations
  • splatter & abandoned variation
  • floor plan variation
  • dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
  • High-resolution WebP files
  • A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights, and more.

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Ground Floor - Day

Mrs Dubois Auction House - First Floor - Day

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Ground Floor - Night

Mrs Dubois Auction House - First Floor - Night

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Ground Floor - Day - Splatter

Mrs Dubois Auction House - First Floor - Day - Splatter

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Ground Floor - Night - Splatter

Mrs Dubois Auction House - First Floor - Night - Splatter

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Ground Floor - Day - Abandoned

Mrs Dubois Auction House - First Floor - Day - Abandoned

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Ground Floor - Night - Abandoned

Mrs Dubois Auction House - First Floor - Night - Abandoned

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Ground Floor - Floor plan

Mrs Dubois Auction House - First Floor - Floor plan

Rewards You need to be a patron in order to download the Tier 2+ rewards

Become a patron now

Chthonian (Tier 1) Full access to my Handout Generator Web App and my eternal gratitude!

(If you are looking for Handout Generator Foundry Module, it is available for Tier 3+ patrons)

Yog-Sothoth (Tier 2)

Mrs Dubois Auction House - With Grid - 70 PPI

Mrs Dubois Auction House - With Grid - 140 PPI

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Without Grid - 70 PPI

Mrs Dubois Auction House - Without Grid - 140 PPI

Mrs Dubois Auction House - dd2vtt files

Mrs Dubois Auction House - WebP files

Great Cthulhu (Tier 3) gets the basic variations of my maps in a foundry module

How to install my Foundry Modules

If you already downloaded the module just update it normally on FoundryVTT and the new maps will appear in your compendium.

Nyarlathotep (Tier 4) gets all the assets I designed for this map in my custom DungeonDraft Asset Pack released at the end of each month. This tier also gets all the map variations as a foundry module

View all asset packs

Azathoth (Tier 5) gets my eternal gratitude for the extra support. Any request you have (within reason) will be added on top of my backlog and be designed as soon as possible.

New features for FoundryVTT modules

In this map I played around with a nice tip for FoundryVTT proposed by T.J. which is to display the floor plan as fog of war in each scene. This seems perfect in situations where your players either have found the floor plan of the place, either know the layout of the building beforehand. 

You can remove the fog of war image just by removing it from the Light settings of the scene.

Let me know if you like or dislike this feature in the comments of this post.



Mark S

Excellent map and love the abandoned variant and the floor plan...already dropped this into my planning folder to use in my next campaign!