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"Genius - the pursuit of madness."
― Criss Jami, Killosophy

Welcome to the City Chase Scene! Why are those cultists chasing you? You better hit the gas and get out of here. Don't turn here! Watch out for that bus! Beeeeeep...

With this map you get:

  • grid & gridless variations
  • PNG files, low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
  • day & night variations
  • dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
  • High-resolution WebP files
  • animated maps for FoundryVTT using Parallaxia module
  • A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights, and more.

City Chase Scene - Day

City Chase Scene - Night

City Chase Scene - Part A - Day

City Chase Scene - Part A - Night

City Chase Scene - Part B - Day

City Chase Scene - Part B - Night

City Chase Scene - Part C - Day

City Chase Scene - Part C - Night


You need to be a patron in order to download the Tier 2+ rewards

Become a patron now

Chthonian (Tier 1)

Full access to my handout generator and my eternal gratitude!

Yog-Sothoth (Tier 2)

City Chase Scene - With Grid - 70 PPI 

City Chase Scene - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 1 

City Chase Scene - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 2 

City Chase Scene - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 3 

City Chase Scene - With Grid - 140 PPI - Part 4 

City Chase Scene - Without Grid - 70 PPI 

City Chase Scene - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 1 

City Chase Scene - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 2 

City Chase Scene - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 3 

City Chase Scene - Without Grid - 140 PPI - Part 4 

City Chase Scene - dd2vtt files - Part 1 

City Chase Scene - dd2vtt files - Part 2 

City Chase Scene - WebP files 

Great Cthulhu (Tier 3)

How to install my Foundry Modules

Foundry Module #15 - June 2022

If you already downloaded the module just update it normally on FoundryVTT and the new maps will appear in your compendium.

Install & enable "Parallaxia module" for extra fun!

Nyarlathotep (Tier 4) gets all the assets I designed for this map in my custom DungeonDraft Asset Pack released at the end of each month.

View all asset packs

Azathoth (Tier 5) gets my eternal gratitude for the extra support. Any request you have (within reason) will be added on top of my backlog and be designed as soon as possible.
