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I should have made this post ages ago but here we go. 

The Niku comic has finished, but the story has not as of yet.

However, before I can start sketching the second installment of the series, then I will have to study A LOT of different things as, I, as an artist, am far from happy with where my art is currently, especially when it comes to color, shading and environment.

A good story does not *have* to look visually great, but it has bugged me for a long time personally, and thus I would like to grow my skills before I continue. Moreover, the story I have currently for Niku 2 was written almost 10 years ago, but I was a depressed teenager that didn’t care about anything or anyone in the world, and it shows.

So now that the 1st comic is done, then I would like to take a step back and look at everything, before I start rebuilding the Niku world little by little.

As of now, there is no date on when Niku will return, but here is a list of the top of my head of what I would like to study, rewrite and etc;

- Color theory

- Anatomical studies

- Medieval technology

- Biological viruses and diseases, (this will be important for the world building)

- Rough studies of Evolution, both in plants, fungi and animals. (again, important for World building)

- History

- And lastly, massive amounts of world-building such as studying landscapes and how they form, volcanoes, oceans and way to much more to note.

- *Maybe* remaster Niku 1, and update art, line of action, grammatical errors and so forth.

There are many other things that I would like to do but these are the ones I remember in the moment of writing this.

I appreciate the patience you will have in the time of waiting until Niku 2.

However in this regard, would it be too much to expand this tier to all comics? I will await your answer. 



You definitely have good topics there Good luck with this ^^