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So a very busy month, business trip, modifications on our funding for making the game, etc..

We got some stuff done though.

- Fixed a bug with the UI overlay being in the wrong order
- Changed battle damage to be stronger
- Moved animation to the start menu's "start" button, but it's all coded by hand, without the tool yet, since the tool isn't up to par yet. Once the tool is better, the animation should be easier to make pretty.

Game seems to work best in the browser:




Seems the release version has a bug we didn't catch... the preloader stays black after clicking to start the game, but the background menu is removed, as if it's trying to but catches up on something and stops...


After playing a bit, I realize that you need to create a manual to explain in detail how the game is played. The battle system is confusing, the numbers that appear at the bottom, do not explain what kind of role do.


Thank you for the feedback! I am sorry, but yes the battle system is very badly designed right now, Basically we have two types of gameplay we want to try, one where you draw 3 types of cards (attack/defense/special), or the attack phase is just a series of attack types, defense/special would be different than attack. The first part represents the card type, the second number represents the strength... (but right now it's all the same even though they look different, because we havn't nailed down which is best) --- Currently we're working on getting the animation system working, right now the battle animations are programmed in, they need to be "designed" in instead, so we can easily tweak and make them look ok. :D More awesome feedback please!!