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So... in programming we have something called encapsulation, it's basically the idea that objects have access to specific data only, in my case, I'm working on the conversation plugin, and have been for a few days, specifically I want it to be properly made so we can start to add the story of the game with no 'code' getting in our way.

A conversation can have a "layout" which is the UI elements, text area, speaker name text area, background, etc. But the layout needs to figure out what it is from a Menu, this way we can re-use the power of the general editor to layout the conversation layout... but the problem is the plugin should not really know what all of that is...

There are many ways around the problem by giving the plugin more knowledge than it should have... but I'm focused on finding a solution that does not do this... somehow...

The benefits vastly outweigh the costs of doing proper encapsulation. *brainstorm hat on*




Can't help with that, but at the very least I can wish you luck on your progress.