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Alright guys, it's finally here -- couple things first you might want to read (game link is above the text header here?  if not here's that link again, be sure to download the Project1 folder in its entirety via the sidebar download link): 


-This demo is the Windows version.  Haven't exported a Mac version and don't have a way to test it, but if there's interest I can upload a version for Mac.  Troubleshooting it would just be tricky on my end since I don't use Mac/Apple products.

-This is a pretty big file.  It's about 470MB unzipped.  The reason why it's almost half a gig for a demo is because this demo is built off what I have for the whole game, so the game data includes a lot of hub city assets and a few other assets.  Those just aren't explorable areas yet, but in the next build they will be and since they're mostly already in place the file size shouldn't increase much.  So this standalone experience is a little short but it's just a small piece of what's actually all there.

-It is possible to compress it slightly from my end, however the amount of trimming I could do versus the effort needed to do that is pretty insane.  The deployment from the RPGMaker file version to an executable has an auto-compression feature that's kind of dogshit; in some attempts it really butchers up the plugins and scripts to where entire assets have to be reorganized/redone/some things just outright removed because they're contingent upon the uncompressed framework.  So it might mean that mobile versions/Android might not be possible, at least not for now.  Also I'm not terribly interested in doing this as a non-desktop game personally, and I assume most of my audience would probably be more on board for that/has a system that can accommodate the filesize.

-Controls: For keyboard it's pretty straightforward; arrows for movement, hold shift to run, X to bring up menu/cancel, Z/Enter/Spacebar to hit 'Okay'/confirm.  Then all that basic functionality works for the mouse too; you'll autorun that way and right click works as the cancel/menu too.  It's also Steam/Xbox controller compatible, with X = dash  Y = menu  A = ok  B = cancel

-This is kind of challenging.  This playable area is the starting point in the full game, but since I wanted to do a lot of feature testing I've put in a good variety of enemy types/hazards.

-Some graphics might have some jank/sketchiness that still need polish

-A lot of exploration is encouraged


(No title)


Suia Loctis

Your king, the First clearer is here. Lol, I loved it!


I like what I've played! It is very difficult, but enjoyable anyway. One thing I might change is how the obstacles look (candles and rocks). They look like background ground clutter so it's kinda hard for me to see when they blend in.