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(from tumblr)

 Just letting you guys know, effective 3/12/2018 I’m going to need to raise commission rates.  I know, I know, it’s not my favorite either; I meant to do it last month but can’t drag my feet on it.  Found out kind of last minute that I’m moving to Atlanta at the end of the month and for anyone who knows Atlanta, I need say no more.  But shit is expensive and I’ve kept these rates the same for over a year.  And I suck less than this time last year also

Current rate is $25 for 2 hours 15 mins drawing time/per block, new rate for that amount of time is $30.

Patrons at the $5 tier will have a discount; their rate will be $28 per block.

“but 34-san you just draw stupid pictures why do you need-”

I’m just gonna be real with you, minimum wage in major cities is almost what I charge currently (not including what I have to pay in taxes), and if I’m gonna keep taking commissions, this is how it’s gotta be.  I put around 50 hours a week into commissions and Patreon-related stuff and there are (surprisingly several) people who make six figures a year for playing a few hours of vidya a week.  I don’t think I’m being super unreasonable wanting compensation for a skill I’ve tried to hone for 10+ years.

If you want to book something at current rate, I’ll still honor that until 3/12.  But I gotta move kind of quickly on this one.


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