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I've alluded to this off and on over the past year or so, but to anyone who knows or doesn't know, after doing streaming/Patreon stuff, I spend time trying to flesh out a porn RPG I've been wanting to do for a while.  I actually had a build in the works earlier, but decided to scrap the pixely super deformed chibi look to something with more character detail (bounce physics).  There's a lot I have planned/a lot I can say, but here's just general disorganized notes that come to mind:

-2D perspective where you traverse the world in a way similar to something like Streets of Rage or Final Fight, or even like early PC adventure games

-Turn based combat with animations and art inserts, kind of a motion-comic sort of thing

-You play as a witch (guess what she looks like)

-Game mostly takes place in a hub city (the sketchy city you're looking at is the one) but there's outside/connecting areas you go to

-Different playable characters with some twists/different takes on the usual fantasy tropes (for starters the whole thing takes place in a 1700s/colonial-styled era)

-Overall duration is meant to be kind of short in terms of mandatory objectives but have a lot of side content planned

-Oh lots of lewd too, trying to make this a solid worldbuilt game with its own identity and lore but also undeniably a porn game

-TBD on release date, been doing conceptual work and planning over the last year+

Anyway, hope this sounds interesting to you and I'm giving you guys the scoop that so far only a few people have had (I've been putting off talking about too much of it because there's not a ton to show off at this stage and the playable version of this is still pretty rough) but wanting to get some kind of demo off the ground soon.  Can't say when because I don't know when, but any free time I'd spend on playing vidya has been going towards making this vidya.




Sounds exciting! I hope it turns out the way you want it to. :) Good luck, and I look forward to seeing it progress.