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I'm absolutely amazed by and thankful for the continued support, especially since this last week obviously I was left for dead by some not-so-nice people.  Working on patreon-specific projects is always some of my most favorite and the drive to do already fun stuff is more intense because of you all.

In a couple of days I'm supposed to meet with an orthopedic doctor and I'll have a better grasp of what I can do,  but I already have enough dexterity to handle a stylus.  I just need to confirm with her what all I'll be able to tackle in terms of workload,    but either way my injuries are pretty mild.   I'll be back to usual  (gunning for better) output in the next couple of weeks.  I'll keep you updated constantly, so you'll see a few text updates like this over the next few days 



Still sucks that it happened to you to begin with. :/ Get better soon, and I'm happy to show my support!


Dude! You already know! Super happy to hear you are on the continued recovery road! saw your pic on Tumblr and my heart broke to see ya hurt so much physically. However! it is awesome to hear you are pressing on and getting better!


Take the time to heal up and recover! We'll be here when you're back at it again (^_^)