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So I said it might be coming in early December but it landed a little early! I know you're OK with that!

Check this one out people. It's the end of the Bixby Saga and you can read it right now. I hope you enjoy this because it's all due to YOUR support. It was a blast to draw and wanted to make it a fun read for everyone and also have a lot of transformation art for you to enjoy.

Links below as well as a MEGA link to not only this comic but all the recent comics!

Love you all and thank you for your support!


You can read it online here (with Patreon login)

You can download the PDF from my main site:

You can get it on Gumroad for FREE if you are a patron!

Mega.nz Link to GLab 57 - PDF's only, no RARs!

** MEGA LINK TO ALL RECENT Patreon Exclusive Comics**: https://bit.ly/40xbrD4

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Deven Rocco Ciufalo

I take back what I said about wanting a Vivian spin-off because THIS is about as good as it gets!!!


YO! Thank you so much. So great to hear that and appreciate the support!


Would’ve really seen Bixby and Viv go at it but I just love the idea that Viv was turned into a beast and unable to control it. Loved Bixbys hulk out too. Wish there was a sex scene though


Great suggestions and I agree there was a lot left on the table with this one. Not in a bad way per se but more like an opening of possibilities. There was a bit of workshopping Bixby in general and seeing where he might fit best. He's still around and there will be more stories with him and the rest. Sexy scenes too!! haha