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Hello and welcome to all my new patrons and a huge thank you to my returning patrons.

I have a few things to talk about as we roll into September. I’ll start with a quick overview of August and then move into plans for September.

August Recap

In August we continued with the new movie format. For those unfamiliar we’ve switched the movie format to give you a better experience. The short version is we added sex scenes and upped the resolution of the movies quite a bit. This was all explained in previous posts but the aforementioned pretty well covers the basics. I’m having a lot of fun working in the new format. For one, I love the new resolution. I’m in the process of transitioning to new software for compositing the movies as well. I was using a program from 2017 up until a month ago! It did the job but the new software is made in 2023 and does the do the job faster plus offers better compression on the final movie. We’re getting higher resolution, better looking movies and generally they come in a little lighter weight than previous movies.


We are going to continue with releasing color comics. I know I have fans of my sequential art here. I’m still doing it folks. I don’t have an exact ETA on the next color comic release. I have started Issue 55 but there are 2 old comics I’d like to get out of the way first. Those are Growth Lab 48 and 49. All of you have access to my main site and the special patron section of comics there. You can right now go see those comics in rough form. What happened was I skipped over 48 and 49 and went right to issue 50 and the subsequent color issues. I want to go back and wrap those 2 issues up, get them in your hands and then continue with issue 55 which will be a color comic. 48 in 49 will not be full-color comics but they will have more pages. I’ll keep you posted on how that’s going but generally speaking I’d like to have 48 and 49 done during the course of September.

Movie news for September and a preview of things to expect

We have a new movie coming. This one is called TNA and it will feature Hannah as well as a bunch of returning ladies. There will be sex scenes! Based on recent polls there will also be: 

  • Two ladies rubbing boobs/chests
  • Lady holding/rubbing other lady's chest

Plus lots of large rear ends and chests. it's called TNA for a reason folks!

I’ll be running some polls during the month to see how you're liking things and what other preferences you might have. From there I'll compare that to my plans and see what I can do about getting more of what we both really like.

More movies get public release

I’ve mentioned this before but I plan to continue with my promise to release more movies to the public. The very long story short is I feel it’s worth it and helpful to keep a good stream of the work out there for the public eye. It helps get more attention and it does bring in more people. Perhaps a few of you are here because you recently saw some of the recently available movies. I’m working towards creating a 6 month gap before going public. That would mean releasing a little over 12 older movies in September to close the gap.

Will I ever get it to where I’m releasing more directly/faster to the public? It’s possible. I won’t rule anything out and it really does come down to the response I see. If a huge influx of people come in because of those public movies then yeah, I see no reason not to continue the policy. It’s been positive so far! I think you understand how this works, I need your support to keep doing this and I trust if you have the means and interest you will support me. I don’t take it lightly, I never have. I know what it’s like to spend money on entertainment. Not everybody can do it but I really appreciate those who put down their ducats on my work. For everybody that can’t or doesn’t want to pay for my work, I completely understand. I’ll still do my best to get you free art and animation.

Voice Acting

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I have some ideas about how we can get a fully voice acted movie. I’d like to keep the schedule of a movie a month. THAT SAID, I’m working on a plan right now. If it works, we may be able to see a fully voice acted movie sooner than later. It’s gonna take a bit of coordination but again, I’ll keep you posted if there any major moves forward. I hope that excites a few of you because I love having the ladies speak.

Collections added to the Patreon

Patreon added a new feature I believe you all can access. It’s called post collections or “Collections”. I created a few collections to help you find rewards posts. It’s not a perfect system but I don’t mind adding more ways to help you find things. I still have all the links I normally do working so you have options!

Thank you

Finally, I want to thank everyone again. I’ve been having the time of my life working on this art and animation. I love what I do. I leap out of bed every morning excited to work on transformation art and share it with you. A few of you have given me some great feedback recently. A few of you have shared some really kind compliments as well and it means a lot to me. I’ve been inspired by you and I hope that my work entertains everyone and perhaps inspires a few of you to do your own creative endeavors. It doesn’t have to be erotic art folks, it can be whatever you want to be.

All right, back to work for me and I will talk with you soon,


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