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Ideally you have seen the latest movie preview since that is part of the poll here. It will help give context to some of the options.

I have been working to really upgrade the movies with things you want (and I want to draw! haha). One of those is adding sex scenes to the movies but there are a few more I think might help the movies and Patreon overall.

Movie Resolution Increase for July

I would like to permanently increase the movie resolution to 1080p which comes with some caveats (more below). As you might know I work in a smaller movie format. There are TONS of boring reasons for this which I've gone over before (easier to manage and edit the movie production, etc). 

Look at the comics as an example. I started shifting to doing color comics and while I can work efficiently, it's pretty clear a color comic takes me longer than a black and white. It's a similar jump to higher production movies.

General Idea - Release Highlights of (older) movies

This idea would be taking clips from older movies and releasing them to 'show off' scenes and characters. SERIOUSLY folks - there are over ten HOURS of movies to pull from. haha 

General Idea - Release Older Movies over time to the public

I am also considering doing some sort of 'timed release' for my movies. This is similar to what I do with the comics. I feel it's important to support the community with a means to see my work as many ways as possible/reasonable. I was once a young Ready Art with little money and I'm grateful to the creators who shared their work. 

The other thing about public releases is the goodwill and interest it can generate which bring people back here. I know there are people who pirate and NEVER support any creator but there are tons of people who are on the line about subscribing and seeing some semi-recent movie work might help them decide to join.


  • IMPORTANT - no matter ANY decision - you will be getting as MANY animation movie updates, previews and first looks EVERY month as I can reasonably manage! 
  • You're important and I want you to get my best work!
  • If the resolution size jumps I want to be clear about expectations. First, I think it will look SUPER AWESOME at the new resolution - haha. 
  • I also want you to know I can't slam-dunk guarantee 7-10 plus minutes of animation at that size per month. It's not a 1-1 thing as I increase the size but there are a lot of little things like editing, drawing and final exporting of the movie that are going to need more buffer room. You know me, I hate to overpromise and underdeliver!
  • How much 'finished' animation can I do per month with all the adds in the poll below? I can't speculate at the moment. There are a few factors below that would add quality and increase production time. I can promise you will get any and all updates during every month. 
  • In the end I want YOU to get an awesome movie!
  • Check out the poll below for a look at what I'm thinking. Comment if you like too!


REFERENCE MOVIES (check it for comparisons!)

[ July Preview in new resolution ]

[ June Preview in old resolution ]

[ June Movie - Land of Giants ]



The highlight reel of Colette's transformation as seen in "The Wall" movie gave me an idea. How about making a sort of greatest hits compilation of each lady comprised of their best growth transformations from several movies. The Best of Luna Masters, The Best of Trisha, The Best of Ultima, The Best of Hanna, etc. You've probably already considered this if so disregard this message.


I am right there with you on this one! The overall idea of a highlight clip of the ladies is on my mind and I will be rolling out highlight clips from various movies as we move forward. I did consider making mega clips for each lady and still might. The only issue is the amount of time to do one right (and scour all the movies). haha For the short term I will probably focus on one lady in one or tow movies or something along those lines. Really though - fantastic suggestion and I will keep it in mind! Thank you!