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If you are reading this post then you have access to our April movie - Ladies Knight.

THANK YOU and I really hope you like this month's movies. In total they have as much transformation action as ANY of the movies so check 'em out!! 

This was a bit of a changeup from the normal long format we do and I hope you enjoy the changeup. REMEMBER - we are in this TOGETHER and we can always adapt and adjust the format as long as it hits our common goals! 

The current plan is to continue with this format and do the rest of the user contest winners. I am considering doing THREE people next month to allow each character to have even more transformation action! Sounds interesting right?

Check out our April movies and see what you think. I actually do like the focus and I am always workshopping ways to keep the stuff inside the Growth Lab Universe and still tell a story. 

Love you all and thank YOU for the support!



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