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**There is a zipped Ren'Py game attached to this post. It is only a proof of concept to test some really basic ideas out. There are no movies in it (yet) and it is Windows based (at the moment). Mostly it's there for the curious but read on!**

This is something I have been wondering about for a while and a few of you have also suggested something like it.

What about a game/interactive movie with growth action YOU CONTROL!?!?

Major props to our own Solstice for putting together this proof of concept using the Ren'Py visual novel engine. The idea here is to test out ways to make an interactive transformation movie. How awesome does that sound?

My hope is to keep on this and bring you something we can add to the current Patreon rewards. I don't have any timetable but I wanted you to know your old pal Ready really is looking for new and interesting ways to bring you transformation action.

Look at the poll below and drop any thought and comments you have!

Some notes

  • I've only run this on Windows and have not checked any other versions 
  • This is only an engine test! It's not intended to show the final product!
  • It was made in Ren'Py 7 (I believe) by our own Solstice!
  • There is no set timetable on making a full one of these BUT if there is a lot of interest we certainly can look into making it sooner than later.
  • Ideally any finished product would be mobile compatible
  • This current demo game has NO optimization at this point 
  • For right now, this is ONLY an idea, there are no hard plans to bring this into the Patreon.
  • Any game/idea would be based on my drawings and movies - there are no plans to go full 3D art at this moment
  • Suggestions and comments welcome.

Enjoy and thank you!




Deven Rocco Ciufalo

This is actually a really cool idea!! Any chance you can make an interactive scenario dedicated to Vivian should you go through with it? She's one of my faves.


You know, I think Vivian would be one of the picks for sure. She has a lot of fans! For my money, I also imagine Trisha or Ultima too!

Furry Murr
