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Some more pages from GLab 4 - 2023 style! A little insider baseball on this one - when I do these redraws I work to keep the basic layout and 'vibe' of the original page. I want to honor those pages and my friend and fans who enjoy the prior work. In that spirit I'm not simply redrawing totally fresh (new layout, angles, dialog, etc). I love the old pages and this is me getting another crack at the fun from back then!

Page 23 - A minor page, mostly storytelling but man, so happy to redo the faces in my 2023 art style. I like it a lot more, you might also. If not, we always will have the 2003 version!

Page 25,26 - Small growth scene with a bunch of minor tweaks to anatomy and minor posing adjustments. Again, nothing drastic but mostly getting it inline with my own art style now.

Page 33-34 - I know I have revisited these pages before and I think this one is my favorite 'redo'. A lot of fun with Naomi and Madison. Classic stuff and always a blast to draw Naomi getting into it.

Enjoy and more to come. Love you all and THANK YOU for your support!


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Nice work as always. What drawing program do you use? I’ve been using Sketch Book however I don’t like it because after I complete a drawing and fill in the colors, the program leaves uncolored edges that I have to manually go in and color which cause me to spend more time coloring finished works than is necessary. This is extra tedious when doing multiple panel comics.


Thank you and I use Clip Studio! Been using it for over 12 years now (well, Paint Tool Sai -> Manga Studio -> Clip Studio). Really fantastic tool and I highly recommend it. They have pretty regular sales and I think there is demo. I just bought the deluxe version since it supports long animation creation as well as has a few other nice tools). To be clear - I also work on a Windows Desktop with a drawing pad.


Thanks! Yeah I think Clip Studio is the program I’ve been missing.


I can't disagree. I'd love all of them to be in color and redraw all the old Growth Labs and put them in color too. Will that happen? Probably not unless there was a lot of interest and demand. There's a lot going on with the Patreon and movies are (as far as I can tell) far more popular and in demand. These redraws are mostly me having fun going back to the older comics and revisiting some of my favorite pages and issues. Appreciate the comment and support and thank you! - Ready