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OK, this one was a blast to make with lots of new characters and some really fun scenes to draw! Check out the crazy transformations and expansion action in this one folks! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

More to come and thank you so much for an awesome year of art creation and sharing with YOU! We hit nine hours of movies thanks to your kind support! That means a lot to me and I want to make sure you CONTINUE to get more than your money's worth when you sign up!

Talk with you soon!


Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:

**FULL CLIP WITH SOUND IS ATTACHED TO THIS POST - you will have to download it onto your computer as Patreon doesn't let me live preview it**
You have to grab the attachment, download and view it locally.
Because of YOU we have these things! Thank you for your support and I work to bring my very best animations!
