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  • GrowthLab_Stella_VO_Test.mp4




What if?.......... all our movies had full voice acting............ read on!

First off this is all due to the initiative of our own Solstice who put together this sample. He collaborated with the VO Actress PixieWillow (https://pixiewillow.carrd.co/) to get this example.

I want to stress right off this is JUST A TEST. This clip and the VO aren't perfectly synced but I think it shows the potential I was talking about in a prior post. Going forward I will be looking to add in VO to the movies. It's likely it will be a gradual process and I'll be honest - a lot of it depends on your interest and support. 

That said, I thought all of you might enjoy this listen!

Huge thank you again to Solstice for the production work and PixieWillow for the voice of Stella.

And thank YOU all for your support and I APPRECIATE YOU!





Wow having the voice with the character visuals will make your movies a lot more hotter! Pixie Willow did a fantastic job bringing Stella to life. Superb voice acting! Obviously doing the lip sync will require more work especially when you have to synch the mouths of several different characters so it’s definitely something you want to gauge the level of interest for. However after hearing Stella speak I feel that once you go talkie it tops silent.


Right?!!?!? I feel that is some next level stuff and a HUGE GUUUUUUUUUGE thanks to Solstice for putting this together. Glad to hear a positive response and I agree, it does at a LOT!


This is freakin fantastic!


Stella have a beautiful voice (with moans). Nice idea. I liked. 🥰😁


This is great! It will take it to the next level!


I could see there being a lot of interest in it. However I can also see there being an absurd amount of work to make it happen. From scripting, to hiring, to recording, to editing, then editing the videos to get the VO to sync. Even cropping video to remove the old text place holder. I would think it easier to do a compilation video if you are going to do voice work. Do a poll or something and find the top five, and maybe do a few custom new scenes. Adding them to the movies seems like more work than it is worth at this point. However a few custom scenes every few months might be a great way to start a new tier. Or sell them bespoke on gumroad considering the extra time and effort involved not to mention money.


Agree this is an all new challenge. To be clear any and all of this would be rolled out as carefully and realistically as possible. I mention above there are a few moving pieces and your interest is one of them. The rest will have to be added based on what gets the most bang for the buck with the horsepower I can add. I'll keep everyone posted as we get more info!


I certainly understand the point and it does make sense to do a poll etc. Even so, i can imagine all the movies having voicework as well and how awesome that could be! Really looking forward to this! It's going to be great eitherway!


Awesome! This has a lot of amazing potensial! I know people will disagree with me. But the voiceacting wasn't that great, however it can certainly become great given the right directions. Regardless, this is going to be good! Looking forward to seeing more!


Fair enough point and it's like many new things, we may not get it 100% perfect the first time but we will improve. Haha, I look back at my first animations and see how far the art had come. I know the work will get better over time. The important part is your kind support. I promise to give you my very best effort.