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If you are here you probably know I am a huge proponent of encouraging other creators. Well, let's hear from any of you who would like to share YOUR projects. 

This is a bit of a work-in-progress idea so bear with me on the details. I'd like to hear from and possibly re-share YOUR projects here on my Patreon and social media. 

Some general thoughts

  • This HAS to be something you are directly involved in! I want to hear what you are doing. As much as I LOVE all the great things happening in our community this is about YOU.
  • Ideally we are talking about projects that would be of interest to others here so be aware of the audience I would be broadcasting to. (effectively my friends and fans)
  • Projects can be anything (drawing, writing, music, etc) as long as you are OK with sharing it here and me resharing it with others. Again, I reserve the right to focus down on projects I think will have the most appeal to my friends and fans.
  • To be clear - this can include non-erotic based work!!
  • Other Patreons or pay efforts are OK but I will have to vet the sources linked.
  • Vetting in general will likely be done for everyone who submits something in the comments. Mostly this is a way to ensure links are going where they say they are and the material/project exists. 
  • If you are CONSIDERING starting something - feel free to post about that as long as you are specific about where you are (something like 'not started at the moment'). Maybe posting will give you  the encouragement boost you need!
  • If you are a person who COMMISSIONS others for (art) work that can still count! At this stage I'm open to see where things might go.
  • Please post in good faith and civility. We're here to encourage others at this stage.
  • POST or COMMENT BELOW! Questions and suggestions welcome as well!



Hello mate I’ve been a content creator on Deviant Art since 2017 and have a decent following there. Last year DA introduced subscription services which gave artists an alternative to Patreon. The timing of this new option was perfect because my Patron creator page had just gotten suspended for violating terms of service. The suspension was unjustified in my opinion. Anyway, my kink is pregnancy fetish erotic art, animations and written stories. Rapid pregnancy belly expansion is the main theme of my work which also involves breast expansion and lactation. If you want to check out my work you can visit my Deviant Art page at www.deviantart.com/ltknt Obviously pregnancy fetish is different than FMG/Giantess fetishes so I’m not sure if your audience would be interested in my work however usually people that love BE and other related female growth fetishes can find something they like so I wouldn’t mind if you share the link to my DA page with your fans. I work a full time job which limits the time I have to work on projects. My goal is to one day have enough subscriber support so that I can go full time doing my art. I’m interested in getting better at doing animations and would appreciate any advice and tips you can offer if you would like to do so. That’s all I can think of for right now so I’ll end this by saying thank you for doing amazing work as always and for connecting with your audience.


On DeviantArt i have an ongoing Manga running called "Colors of Youth" https://www.deviantart.com/kitsu-senpai/gallery/76467151/oc-2-1-colors-of-youth-eng- (watch required) It's a slice of life manga with fetish content here and there.


Yo! Thanks for sharing and the longtime support! Really appreciate both!!!


Appreciate the share and your support. I might do a follow-up about ideas for animation but for the moment - the best advice is just to keep on with your creative endeavors. It's pretty fundamental that you are doing the work because you LOVE it versus doing the work because you think it will make you money. The love will get you past the initial learning and help keep you going later in your journey. Doing things for (mostly) money will basically burn you out since you likely will be chasing various fads. OF course there is a LOT of nuance in anyone's personal situation and I only speak on the broadest level.