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So yah, Luna turns into a giant boob (HAAAAAAA!) in Jubilee. She DOES revert back but there is a small part where she is boobified. Don't worry folks, she does science her way back.

You see, in Growth Lab 50 we see the effects of the Gargoyle version of the energy. This is indeed the basis for all the growth in the GLab universe but there are variants. Colette was one of them, the ladies and men of the Growth Lab Universe (Battery types, Generator types, Colossus types, etc) are all variants too. 

Well, with the increase in alien activity we are seeing even more variants. What will it mean for the crew? Probably more wacky growth at times. Don't worry, the basics of breast expansion, giantess and female muscle growth are not going anywhere though. 

Enjoy and talk with you soon!


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“This is a goddamn weird-ass place we work in.”


This sort of transformation isn't my thing, but I do appreciate the way Luna's taking it in stride. XD


Yeah, it's not the new normal but it's a fun change of pace! SHE DOES RETURN!

Richard Handy

I figured the love of boob would finally do such a thing, nut it was only a matter of when.