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Hello everyone and hope you’re all doing well. Wanted to drop a note about how your support and input help make things awesome around here.

You might already know but we have a Discord where everyone can go if you want. I regularly do art previews for all tiers. Additionally, there’s a question and answer channel as well as a feedback channel for everyone to use. Mostly it’s a chill place to go if you want to see my art and talk about the Patreon. I do want to stress I run what I like to call a “civil” Discord. I don’t have any meme or “hot take” channels and we’re focused mainly on the positive.

Your input and ideas

Something that came up in the Discord this evening was a question about the animations. Specifically, it was about the music production. Without going into details I’ll say it was a great conversation where I got feedback from a long time friend and fan. My point in bringing this up is... your opinion matters to me. Everything that happens on this Patreon is because of your support and I want to make sure you’re getting the best art and animation possible. I realize everyone reading this might not be the kind of person who normally speaks out on social media. That’s totally fine. This is all optional of course.

All that aside, your feedback does help. When you vote in the polls, when you like a post and definitely when you comment. All these things help. I’m referring to meaningful, constructive feedback. It should go without saying we’re all in this together and I work best with positive direction versus negative. Tell me what you like, tell me what you’re enjoying. Hearing things you enjoy helps me shape goals and ideas for future projects.

Overall, your support in any form is a huge deal. For every single person putting down their hard earned cash into my Patreon, thank you so much. I work every single month to give you more than your money’s worth. I want you to feel you got an awesome deal when you signed up. Every day I wake up thankful you’re here.

So thank you again and you do matter. Your opinion matters. In fact, you matter OVERALL in this world and you should believe it. There is not one single person checking this post out that isn’t important to me and many other people.

Love you all, thank you.



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