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Hey all and THANK YOU for your support. Huge appreciation for all the longtime friends and fans who put down their hard earned ducats and a big welcome to all the new friends and fans joining us this month.

We have a LOT of goodies for EVERYONE to download. It's linked below and easy to get. There's the main site, Patreon and Gumroad for all your rewards and you have OPTIONS for watching and reading the comics.

September Animation Wrapping up!

Check out the stills from this month's animation which I am wrapping up as we speak. The Coalition is running some 'tests' and  I think you can imagine how that is going. 

This will be a FUN movie with lots of transformations YOU asked for!

Thank you to all and talk with you soon!


We have ALL THIS YEAR'S comics available for your to get right now.

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:



Chrisxas137 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-27 16:40:41 Wow. Karen and Emily have amazing transform. <3
2022-09-25 21:11:12 Wow. Karen and Emily have amazing transform. <3

Wow. Karen and Emily have amazing transform. <3